
Friday, January 3, 2020

Friday, Goals for the year!

     You know I have not really thought about a specific goal or gals this year.  Last year I was so focused on paying off the house, I think I wore myself out.  But I/we have several big changes coming and I will need to have goals daily /weekly/monthly to accomplish these changes.  Yikes it scares me to even think of them and also the work that will need to be done to accomplish them.

     So here goes:

1. sell the house:   This is a big goal requiring us to clean and fix up this monster. SO much has to be done that the thought of it is daunting.  But you eat an elephant one bite at a time.  That is what I/we are doing.  I hope to have the house on the market by March 1st.  Although that might be pushing us a little faster and farther than we wish.

2. Go on a mission for our church:  Again paper work, paperwork, which is not my strong suit.  Lots of shots and physicals, also not my thing.  But is must be done so I will set daily weekly and monthly goals to achieve this. We are thinking May 1st.  We will see.... It will be a 6 month mission.

3. Pay off the car by the end of the year:  This should not be hard  as we owe less than $15,000, it is at 0 percent we will pay for everything else first.  We have many home improvement projects that have to be paid as we go along and I don't want any new debt.

4. Keep up with my savings challenges: don't have anything specific other than the car, or maybe a trip after the mission?  Sluggy you game?  Do you want company?

5. Take better care of myself:  Snort, I would say slow down, but we all know that is not likely to happen.  I have noticed a real change since the house was paid off.  I don't have that extended worry about bills and if we have enough.  That alone has made me relax more than anything I know.  I also received a new fit bit for Christmas and I would like to get more exercise if possible.  I am a mover but I am talking actual exercise.  Like lift weights.  More strength training before the mission.

So now that we have listed all my wants and goals how am I going to accomplish these?

 Well you have to make things happen.  You have to do the work.  It is easy to dream and write it down on paper, but now you have to start eating the elephant.  Most of us really don't like elephant. Besides they are endangered making it almost impossible for most of us to start.  That alone is a good excuse not to start. Hmmmm......

So what am I going to do today to make any or all of these happen?

 Sell the house: paint all trim boards in the Hallway.  I will do this today

Go on a mission: get all insurance #'s and documents ordered and put into church today.  Also set appointment for photograph. Make appointment with bishop to print off physical papers for doctor and dentist at church computer.

Pay off car:  Make all household payments today including car

Savings challenges:  Made the mistake of spending a 5 dollar bill this morning now have to go and replace. Take quarters I received yesterday and put in pig bank.  Get the pile of sewing done and call clients, then we will have more money.

Take better care of myself:  call local health spa that has a swimming pool and check on month to month membership before mission.  Hubs likes to swim and we need a trainer to help us with upper body strength.  This is something that I have never done and always thought was a waste, but I can do it for a few months and will, plus we can afford it now.

     So I have taken the first few bites of elephant.  How about you guys?  Any plans?  What are you going to do today, this next week, this next month or year to make your life better or just to make something happen?

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.



  1. When painting baseboards, do you do it on your knees? Didn't you just remodel the kitchen?

    1. Actually we put the base boards in and now I am going to paint them. Yes we had a very bad dishonest contractor and it is not finished.

  2. I like that expression Eat an Elephant one bite at a time Kim - I had not heard of it before but I like it & it resonates with me. I am off to write it down & stick it on my fridge. Thanks for the help with my huge overwhelming goals today xx

    1. Isn't that life, one project after another. I am a project I tell you.

  3. The YMCA is now nation wide membership. It's 69.00 per month for family level. Not sure about couple option. Most have pools.

    1. I know, but we do not have a Y here with any facilities other than a womans shelter. My daughter has a great Y in her town.

  4. I've been living by the eat an elephant mantra-I don't like elephant. You still are so ambitious-I guess that is how Kim will just be.

  5. When I feel overwhelmed I refer to eating an elephant one bite at a time and then I just get started on something, anything. Afterwards, the project becomes more manageable.

    My goals are mostly fiancial. Gotta knock some off of the Heloc this year. Working with cash when going to the grocery store may just be the key. Or the first bit of the elephant. :-)

    1. I think focus is the best thing. Focus on one thing. Of course the whole flippen world can fall apart while you are doing that, but....

  6. I have my elephant parked until Jan 6th. Mom's care situation has been different during the holidays and there have been a lot of fill in and some overnight demands. I am going to start consuming it next Monday when life and my schedule return somewhat to normal (or at least to my new normal) Meanwhile I am just organizing and getting rid of clutter. How/why did I accumulate so much stuff?

    1. I think clutter is attracted to us becasue we are lovely.:)

  7. YMCA here as silver sneakers which is covered by a lot of health insurances. You might want to add hiking to that exercise list as my cousin that is a missionary and my doctor whose kids have all been missionaries said that is something that usually gets a person the first month of being a missionary.

    Hubby wants to lose 24 lbs for his personal goals
    I want to stay out of the hospital for the whole year.
    Financial goals are:
    15 months of $ for health ins that will be out of pocket in July when his RRA runs out.
    3 months household bills in savings
    and a new to us dog truck at the 1998 is slowly dying and my car is not big enough to these 3 to get into and Hubby's truck has leather seats and is too high off the ground for Wilbur and Rascal to get in. Neither will use the steps we bought for that issue. We still use the 98 for hauling yuck stuff LOL.
    We have several projects we want done that will be paid for with what I save from keeping utilities down or Hubby's hobby.

    We are eating from the pantry for the year. Fresh produce at the minimum and meat from the butcher. I want to clear everything out and then only restock with produce we grow or buy from Amish and meat from the butcher who KNOWS the farmer that raised it. REAL REAL tired of RECALLS

  8. I don't know how your husband can lose weight with all you cook and can:) It would be great if you could have a year without a hospital visit. Hope you can reach your goal of buying a new to you truck.
