
Saturday, January 4, 2020

Saturday, So proud to me!

      Yesterday Hubs and I actually put the molding in the family room.  We did it!  All by ourselves.  This would not have been anything 20 years ago, but now it is quite an accomplishment.  It took us about 10 times as long and we were both a sweaty mess when it was done, but it is done!  I was very proud of us.  I was proud to me.

     After hubs tried to pound in the first nail, I realized this was not going to work.  Give a man a hammer that can't hold his hand still, pretty funny.  So I had to do all the nails, he did the cutting.  This was also hard with the shaking, but when he did not make a perfect cut I just sanded the corner until it fit smooth.  It took us a really long time but it is done!

     I now have to put press and seal down and carefully paint the boards.  We were not going to paint them, but the basement is SO NOT SQUARE that there was fill that had to be put in and that fill will discolor so I will go along and carefully paint this edging.

     Look we were even able to do corners and cut a hole for the TV antennae.  Hubs and I used to do major remodeling work years ago, but with both of us so arthritic and his tremors we have given up most of this.  However as we need to sell the house and money is not growing on any trees around here, it is nice to know we can do some of these things, although they are much harder to do now.

     So today, I am going to do a little more filling and then put strips of press and seal on the carpet and paint this, then we can put the room back and call it DONE!

     I do have a bride coming from out of town at one, and I have to do a couple of loads of laundry today. But I am just so ecstatic that we were able to do this at no cost to us.  The trim boards were in the garage. We did not hire this done.  Such a savings.

     Now I am going to get to work, and later this afternoon carefully remove all the molding in mom's large bedroom downstairs as they are going to replace the carpet this week.  Some of the molding is water damaged and will need to be replaced.  There are several nail holes that need to be filled.  I found the paint in the garage for touch up and will try some today.  If it is discolored I will need to quickly paint that room before the carpet goes in, as I am a very sloppy painter.  I hope the paint is okay that would be such a blessing.

     Well I am off to get me chores done.  Moving forward.  What are you doing today?  Anything fun or exciting?

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.



  1. Great job! It looks really good.

    We are just back from two trips, & I have laundry all over the house, & ski gear littering everything. I'm procrastinating.

    1. Yummy, that wet dog smell of ski clothes drying every where. Growing up in Montana with a wood stove for heat and skiing every weekend. Know all about that ski laundry.

  2. IT looks great. Hubby has tremors and had had for years. Anything requiring a solid touch is my job. My knees are definitely old as crawling around on the floor caulking the baseboard is a killer.

    1. We had a good laugh when he decided to pound that first nail.

  3. You are so industrious. You put me to shame!
    Looks great!

  4. I learned that Tommy does not wield a hammer well, and this was over ten years ago. But, the two of you saved money doing this and probably did as good or better a job as anyone you could hire. Nothing fun going on here today.

  5. Looks great. It is amazing what you can do when you put your mind to it. I amaze myself all the time!! LOL
    Great job.

    1. Well you amaze me also, we need to stick together and amaze each other.

  6. Nice job! You work well as a team!

  7. That looks great! You might want to hire yourselves out as a handycouple! You know, in all your spare time.

    1. You need to go be a comedian else where my friend.

  8. Well done-and completed together.

  9. When we had our floors done I was the one who installed all the baseboards and quarter round and I laugh every time I sweep of mop 2 certain walls because I totally skipped over them and never got back around to them. I did get to use a nail gun, though.

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