
Thursday, May 30, 2024

Thursday, Sissie made an offer!

 This is my motto with Sissie Kay. Sissie and her Hubby made an offer on a house, and we will know on Friday afternoon if it was accepted. I just love the house but have to be careful as you never know with real estate.

Things are going well here, as can be expected. I just have to be really careful how I move. No sudden ups and downs.  Getting out of bed carefully as I have been laying down. 

Yesterday, I called a June bride to get some info and she said she was no longer getting married and would come and pick up the dress.  WOOT! WOOT!  One less for me to do. SO now there is only one lonely dress left and I have done as much as I can without another fitting.  So, let's consider June dresses done.

Today it is piles. I think we have about 20 shirts to hem and a couple of bridesmaid dresses. In the meantime, Dan is working on the rock and may finish it today! Then I can turn on the sprinklers and I can figure out how to attack the weeds. 

I am hoping to take tomorrow off to work on the yard.  I think we will be caught up enough to do that. I also need to go through the mail and do the bills for June.  I cannot believe it will be June. Kelsa comes tonight and that will slow things down a little. Say a prayer that Sissie gets this house!

Sissie here!  Trying to adjust my sleep pattern and it is difficult as my eyes keep popping open at 4 a.m.

I worked in Construction for so long that my body adjusts to the Sun no matter where I is strange.

So, I stayed up until almost 10 last night and am booking on 6 hours of sleep...I am an 8 to 9 hour a night Gal.

Up at 4:00, coffee and trash detail.  I went into town and got diet coke for Sissy as it was on sale, home to work on cupboards, and one more to go!

Husband is working in backyard and I am in the process of cooking potatoes and boiling eggs for potato salad.  New York strips for dinner!

I am anxious to see if our offer was accepted, we low balled but will pay the asking price if challenged.

It was the purple carpet (for Sluggy) and the Holy medal that did it.  So say prayers!

Now I am off to press a Bridesmaid dress...

Kim and Kay


  1. Kim, hoping you can remain steady. I have only struggled with vertigo one time and it was only for 2 miserable days. Hope you continue to improve. And lucky you with the wedding cancellation.
    Kay, Just because someone (who will remain unnamed) has an affinity for a certain color is no reason to have to keep it once the sale is complete. The holiness__yep it needs to stay.

  2. I'm so sorry the vertigo continues. I hope Sissie gets the house- house great for her to be able to get settled and for you to have her neat all the time. Sorry Sluggy - the purple carpets a no go.

  3. Fantastic on making an offer!!!!! How exciting!!! Definitely will be praying for y’all!!! I wanna see pics of the purple shag! I had one of my sons paint the walls of my bedroom purple (he is a painter) … I LOVE purple!!!! Cindy in the South

  4. Good luck on the house.
    Kim, glad you are managing with the vertigo.

  5. I know, June arrived much too quickly. Glad that you are getting along with your vertigo. Keeping my fingers crossed for Sissy's real estate offer to be accepted.

    Oh I am so glad you are home and posting again.

    God bless.

  6. Please drink lots of water not diet Coke. often Vertigo is related to dehydration.

    1. Thank you Elle, I agree and Kim will not listen to me!

  7. Kim, so happy you feel better! And fingers crossed for Sissy's bid being accepted.

  8. My dizziness morphed to vertigo. Now, things are whirling.

  9. You are making good progress in the shop! Fingers crossed for the real estate offer! (Hawaii Planner)
