
Monday, June 3, 2024

Monday, I am in trouble with BIL

So, I have been working on about 100 feet of rock in my back yard for the last 5 months. It is grueling slow work of removing existing rock to lawn and then replacing the underlayment that had rotted out.  The rock was so full of soil from years of debris landing on it and in between the rocks.  This brought up tons of weeds that I was really having a hard time suppressing.

It was dirty hard wet, messy work to remove and wash and put back.  I had about 20 feet left when Kay and Dan got here, and Dan helped me finish!!!! I am so happy.  This was killing me.  My back and arms and hands were so sore every night as I would try and work on it for an hour.
Here is what I am talking about.  It is all cleaned up and the flowers are planted.  Dan planted all my flowers and has been doing the watering and it is so nice.  Now I can turn on the water system and start to deal with this half dead lawn.
The rock face down the slope on half the lot is covered in a weed I have never seen before, and it has to be pulled by hand. I have done 3 one-hour sessions, and I am about 1/2 done. Once this is all pulled, I have to really spray to keep the weeds at bay. If this area gets covered, you will not be able to see snakes, so it is important that it is kept cleared. It is really windy today and has also rained a good bit, but that will make getting the weeds out easier.

So much to do but once the weeds are pulled and the spraying is done, I have to deal with the huge patches of dead lawn left from the no water situation last summer.  Thank goodness Dan is here, and he is such a big help to me.

I have a wedding dress that has a few hours of hand work to do on it and then it will be done.  The phone and the doorbell have not quit since I got in the shop this morning.  Sissie Kay is out doing errands concerning the house. Things are moving very quickly.

I went out to Signe's (Daughter #2) Saturday night to help with the babies.  She had Braunwyn's (daughter #3) little boy for the weekend.  Both girls have lost strategic people at their respective jobs and are having to work many extra hours short staffed. The money is good, but neither is getting enough rest, and they try and watch each other's kids when they can, so I don't have them all the time.  Then they both get sick, and I get to deal with the fallout.  Not that I don't want to, I just want to prevent it before it happens. 

Signe' got a good lie in and I was able to complete a bed ruffle and curtain for Kelsa's room.  By the way my lips are covered with cold sores, and I only get cold sores when I am under extreme stress. I look scary, but they are healing finally, and I really don't feel stressed.  But maybe it is Sissie?......

Dan mopped all my floors yesterday and then I went out in the clay soil when I got home and tracked mud through the house.  You can see the trail I left.  He said he was going to pull my hair.  Then he drew me a map of how to enter the house with muddy feet, it was so funny. He is such a nut.

At least I get to laugh.



  1. That is a lot of work but it sure looks nice. Did they get their offer accepted? Here's hoping. Hope you are doing much better.

  2. Your yard looks fabulous! Love the view! Did Sissie get the house? Inquiring minds want to know…. Ok… nosy minds… lol. Cindy in the South

  3. Wow! Is there anything you can't do??? It looks amazing!

  4. I wonder if the weed you’re seeing is stilt grass.. it’s been awful here the last few years! Thankfully it’s not hard to pull out, but there’s so much of it!! I’m so glad you have your Sissie and Dan to help you out now! Best wishes to your daughters- they’re so lucky to have you nearby! Xo, Ricki

  5. How wonderful that Dan is there to give you a helping hand. I love when families and close friends are willing to lend a hand. Take care my friend.

    God bless.

  6. Would spraying the weeds with vinegar help? I have only gotten a fever blister once. I looked like I had some sort of plague. I am certainly happy I am not prone to them like my mother and sister were. It is good Dan and Kay are so helpful. Just don't mess up his floors.

  7. Your rock garden looks great! What a lot of work though, to sift through all those rocks. Hope you don't have to do that again for a long, long time. Ugh on the snakes.

  8. Glad you have some help with the rocks and the mop duty. I am with Dan. I would be teed off if dirty boots tracked through my just mopped floor.n

  9. The view from your yard is fantastic! And, nice work (Dan!) with the rocks. Looks awesome. (Hawaii Planner)

  10. Love the story about your BIL's map to avoid tracking mud! LOL

    Kim, try using pre-emergent on your rock landscaping. Avoid plants, obviously, and DO NOT use the. 12-month effectiveness stuff. It will hang around for years!

    I'm in the low Sonoran Desert, and we generally apply pre-emergent in September and January. February 15th tends to be considered the beginning of spring (typically last frost date, although that can extend until March), so sometimes we have to punt! :-) You'll need to adjust your dates accordingly.

    Your yard is looking terrific!

    ... Taja 🏜️

  11. I am prone to cold sores. Therefore this is my lip balm-always and often every single day! It's not cheap but so much better than the sores and are contagious when weeping!
