
Sunday, June 30, 2024

Sissy Here! Kim is in Quebec!

 Dearest Readers (totally plagiarized, but loved the show...too much sex if you know what I mean so I just fast forward...don't need to see that...I am old);

Sissy and I have been on a dead run since she last blogged, and She is now in Quebec!  Daniel and I have been out of town for four days and just got back late this afternoon.

We went to a wedding of a great Nephew (Husband's side) whom I had not seen since he was about two and He is now 26.  We had a Grand time seeing everyone and we have missed so much! However, we are tired.

We have two more weddings of greats this year!  Hubs was a whoop's baby and more than twelve years younger than his next sibling, which means that his nieces and nephews are closer to our age than His siblings. His nieces and nephews love Him to death as He was their playmate, so all were very excited to see us. Daniels reputation amongst His family is famous and we were welcomed with open arms.

We stayed in Missoula (our Hometown) with my only Auntie on my mother's side who is lonely and had a wonderful time with Her.  She is to have a Knee replacement in the near future, and we readily agreed to go back and stay with her during the healing process.  This is why we came west!  To be of service!

I was able to connect with a couple of Girlfriends from grade school and high school and it was wonderful!  We are only four hours away.  Four hours is nothing when you have spent the last 36 years in the DC metro area!

When arriving back, we picked up Kim's dog Roscoe from the Sitter, that also watched our two Cats, and we paid her well.  

Tomorrow we will have a toilet replaced in the basement of our new property and out internet will be hooked up.  The Cats will go to the new House tomorrow.  I will stay at Kim's with Roscoe until Wednesday morning.   We have a fully fenced back yard so he will come to the new house then as we have a Neice and Her Husband and Friend who are coming on the fourth to stay at Kim's.

A very busy week ahead with the Holiday on Thursday.  Electrician comes Tuesday morning for some minor repairs. 

It is so hot here that Daniel and I can only go to storage in the early mornings, and we are booked early with appointments, both Monday and Tuesday. Oh well, it will get done when it gets done.  Long story here and too long to tell as I am very tired.

Today is our fortieth wedding anniversary, and when we got home, and I made frozen corn dogs for dinner with chips!  I am that kind of Wife, and we both had a good laugh.  Just too tired to go out after an almost five-hour drive, after attending early Mass with Auntie, visiting the Catholic Cemetary and going to a late breakfast before we headed back to Lewiston.  Then had to unpack and pick up the Dog.

Sissie Kim left Her bedroom a mess with Her packing, and I must go straighten that as it is making me crazy and then I am going to have a glass of wine (or maybe two) and kiss my Husband and go to bed!

Hope all of you are well, and I will keep you posted!




  1. Welcome home. Rest and just close her bedroom door.

  2. Happy anniversary. Kim has sure become quite the traveler - that is great. Sounds like you are coming along on the new house. Have a good week.

  3. Happy anniversary! I am so glad you are now a co-writer with Kim, twice the excitement and hilarity, I snorted out loud about corn dogs for the anniversary dinner. You are the pinnacle of a good wife. ;). Glad you are getting your new home put together..and thank you for keeping us entertained ;). Hilogene in Az

  4. Kim really does get around!
    I am glad things are progressing with the new house. I know you will be thrilled to get in it and start living your best life! We will be headed west in August and hoep to be able to see yall.

  5. Happy Anniversary!!! I am so glad you are now able to see old friends, and family, and to take care of your aunt! So excited for you as you fix up your fabulous house!! Glad Kim is vacationing in Quebec and hope she has a wonderful time! Cindy in the South

  6. Happy Anniversary.. Kim sure manages to find ways to get around. She actually would get to celebrate our Canada Day. Hope they have lots of fireworks for her.

    God bless.

  7. Sending belated Happy Anniversary wishes!
    Thanks for the update! Glad you were able to get together with friends and family, and that things are moving along with the new house. So exciting!
    Hope that Kim is having a wonderful time in Quebec too.

  8. I hope Kim enjoys her trip - and I hope you guys are enjoying a relaxed 4th of July weekend!
