
Monday, July 15, 2024

Monday, Back to work you peasant!

      This should be my life's motto.  It is the Talbots website that gets me....

Any way I am back to the salt mines.  It was a lovely two weeks off, although it has been longer for blogging. I hope all is well in the blog world. Please advise me if I missed something crucial.  Or don't as something crucial could be the death of a beloved.  And I guess I had better know. How morbid a way to start a post.  Shame on me.

I have already had two brides in here today, oops three.... So, I guess I do need to get busy, dang. It is a little before 11 in the morning.

Quebec City is beautiful. We stayed on an inlet of the St. Lawrence River.  It had a tidal system, but the water was sweet. I spent many hours collecting sea glass it was so relaxing and fun. Signe' and Nate both got sick the last day and when we got home the Canadian relatives all had COVID.  So did the kids.  I was spared again although I don't know how.

Then it was off to hockey camp with William. That was in Couer d'Alene Idaho. Arrived home late Friday and helped Kay and Dan on Saturday.  It is very hot here as per usual and they are suffering with it. They still have a boat load to do, and I don't know if it will ever get done.  They are that point where you ask yourself, will a lighted match help?

When is all gets done it will be a darling little cottage, perfect for them, I am sure. 

Sluggy is coming in September, I am going to Twin Falls in August after I get all the August and early Sept dresses out.  I am also going to fly my mother-in-law to Florida in October if her health permits.  Kim is a traveling fool.

Right now, I need to stay home and earn money so I can pay for all my fun.

Yesterday I cooked a nice dinner, of meatloaf, potatoes, corn on the cob, and made Dan a homemade banana cream pie. It is nice to cook for other people.

Kay gets up early and takes my car down to the house and works while it is cool outside as most of the boxes are on the back covered patio. Then she comes home and bosses me around the rest of the day. They are going to buy Dan a vehicle when the dust settles, but right now my car is available, and it holds quite a lot with the seats down.

Taking my girlfriend out tonight so we can catch up and solve the world's problems. Tomorrow I am actually going to get my hair colored by a professional.  Like actually pay someone to make me pretty....
I just want to not have to touch the roots up so often and I need to have it foiled (I think that is what they call it) I really hate putting on makeup and messing with my hair. But alas my public demands that I look human.  I also loath spending money on makeup and haircare.

Kim must be very good the next month and get many dresses out plus whatever.



  1. Replies
    1. Thanks April. I missed blogging and need to catch up!

  2. Glad to see you are back. Yes, you have become a traveling queen. My goodness.
    Take care - look forward to catching up.

    1. I know! I think traveling relieves my anxiety about missing Joel. Maybe I am running away from pain. I don't know.

  3. Welcome back and glad your two weeks off were a whirlwind of enjoyable things! Hilogene in Az

    1. It was very relaxing and busy at the same time.

  4. Welcome back. I hope in addition to a fun vacation the other "v" word is leaving you alone.

  5. Glad you are home safe and well. I gave up the "salon" treatment decades ago along with the make up. Just good moisturizer and colored chap stick. At 65 I no longer care.BUT I have to have my perfume and lavendar powder LOL

  6. Welcome back! I'm glad you had a wonderful vacation.

  7. My mom was able to see the St. Lawrence River on one of her and Dad's trips. She said it was beautiful. I'm so glad you were spared from getting Covid!

  8. Welcome home! We have missed you, but I'm glad that you had a relaxing vacation. Quebec city sounds lovely, and sounds like you have more adventures planned.

    1. I do the planning of adventures keeps the depression at bay.

  9. So happy you're back! Missed your humor in my day. Hey, does anyone know if Sam's okay? It's been a bit.

    1. I don't know but she may be going through the second year doldrums like me.

    2. Yes I’ve been concerned also but I do know that the second year is even worse! For me it was almost like I was in such a daze the first year, like I was in a nightmare that somehow I thought couldn’t be true but at the second year reality hit, it was true and permanent!
