
Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Tuesday, Just Happy!

 See you can always find a way to blame others for your stupidity. This should make you Happy!

I have 17 wedding dresses in the shop right now.  That should make me scared.  But I will blame it on Venus, the planet named after the Goddess of love.

Leaving in an hour to get my hair done, this should be an adventure.  I will show pictures tomorrow.  If I have a bag over my head, I will have to find a planet to blame it on.

There are a batch of Baby bunnies living under the grape vine. They have found the hidden garden and have eaten every green bean and pole bean I have planted.  But they are so stinkin cute.  Next year we will fence. Right now, it is salad bar season.

When I get home from my afternoon of beauty, I will get to work on a couple of wedding dresses that are due out tomorrow, mostly hand work. 

Catching up on blogs.  Anne's husband problem made me laugh out loud.  GO read my comment.  Then there is Cheryl with her $167,000 necessary income to live post.  I mean really?  Where do people get these figures?  I forgot how much I missed all of you.

I really wonder at how little I could live on if I tried.  I might have to if I don't stay home and get some work done.

Going to get beautiful...



  1. Good luck at the beauty shop! Oh bunnies.
    We missed you too!

  2. I flinched when I read 17 wedding dresses! You do need your hair done for that.

  3. Right now we are at 120K a year but that includes paying extra on the mortgage but no car payment which we will probably end up with in a year or so as the 2005 silverado is slowly dying. House, taxes and insurance the over half the out go.
    17 DRESSES?????

    1. Wow I am so happy you are able to make enough to do what you are doing. Good for you! Yes 17 a little overwhelming here.
