
Monday, August 5, 2024

Monday, Trying to be chipper

 Tried to relax most of the weekend. Did play for choir on Sunday. Sissie and I did things at her house and still have a lot to do, but it is a little here a little there.

Still have pretty bad pain on the right side of my face.  Just keep taking meds. May have to go on a series of steroids which I dread, but this is going on too long.

I have 4 wedding dresses that I want to get out this week and many piles.  So, it is piles today and one dress. I really just want to go to bed so badly.  Slept terrible last night.  Mostly bad night sweats and pain.

Sjogren's flair is not for the faint hearted let me tell you. 

Anyway, I am going to work through this, onward and upward my friends.


Sissie here...Kim is still not good, but she is persevering, and I am making her rest as much as possible. I must get to the second machine, and I am dragging my feet because of sewing insecurity and this too shall pass.

I tend to spray when I am avoiding things that scare me, so I am now going to swap the laundry...?Okay that is done and now I have set up machine and am waiting for Kim to finish a phone call to get me started........

I did it!  I was able to get about 10 pairs of pants done.  Very proud to me.  Applause please. Now Kim does not have to squeeze these into her schedule!!!!



  1. Kay is a sweet sister! Hope Kim feels better soon! Cindy in the South

    1. She is unless you have to live with her....BLAH!

  2. Kay, it is so good that you are close now! And helping so much. Poor Kim, prayers headed her way that that she slows down and that her body heals. Hilogene in Az.

  3. Could this be trigeminal neuralgia?

  4. I hate mending; my children used to say that they would grow out of the clothes before I fixed them. So I applaud you for doing ten pairs of pants.

    1. That was how mother felt about the bottom of the ironing basket!

  5. Kay,
    She is lucky to have you there sewing! Thank you!

    1. THis is Kim but I will let Kay know and thank you!

  6. Kim you mention pain in the face - could you have TMJ? I have that and it flairs seldom - but when it does - oh my.
    Glad Kay is there and helping. Wishing you both all the best.

    1. I thought of that but that is not it. It is a flair of Sjogren's inflaming the salivary glands then affecting the occipital nerves. Thank you for your prayers and concern.

  7. Kim, rest as much as possible, even if it means letting some things you normally do, go.
    Kay, keep Kim vertical as much as you can and you relax a little too!

    1. Anne if you saw the condition of my yard. I just have to ignore it for now.

  8. You two are such a blessing to each other. I have no advice to offer, just long distance hugs!

  9. I am so sorry. I'm glad that you have some answers, even though Sjoren's flare sounds rough. Hope the steroids help you feel better soon.
    Thanks Kay for fixing all those pants so Kim doesn't have are the best!

  10. She is and thank you for your concern!

  11. Holy moly, Kim--what you have been through. My hats off to BOTH of you for persevering! Huge hugs!
