
Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Tuesday, Holding my breath!

 I am sitting at the computer, (naturally as I am posting) and next to the keyboard is a list of all the money I owe Sissie for her work. She is so worth it!

I woke up with very little pain today and I am taking it slow.  I keep trying to feel for it.  It is not my friend.  But I have had it for so long I feel like something is missing. 

I have been using heat and ice alternating on the back of neck to help with the swelling and nerve pain. 

Kids are here today, and Kelsa is a kitten. You have to call her baby kitty, or she will not answer. Her imagination is so funny.

Three new bridals have come in the last 24 hours, and 2 are for early Sept.  I told them I am leaving the 15th of August, and they would not get their dresses until the first week in Sept. That is the way it is. 

Well, I am off to hem a couple of pairs of pants and then do one pile and I swear I will get a couple of wedding dresses started today!


Sissie, Is going to buy new needles she hates mine.


  1. Glad you are feeling some better, but you need to slow down. I think that would help a lot. Always on the go and you can't say no - girl!!!! PLEASE take care.

  2. I am so glad you seem to feel a bit better. Take it easy. Why does she hate your needles? I like the tiny ones called 'sharps.'

  3. I am so thankful your pain is much less! Whew! It is about time it started easing up!
    Cindy in the South

  4. I'm sitting here with an ice pack on my hip, so I feel you. So glad you have your sister to help you, and hope the rest of the week has minimal/no pain for you! (Hawaii Planner)

  5. Oh I hope you feel better each day. I hope the heat and ice is helping.
    Will Kelsa start preschool this fall? What a fun imagination.

  6. So glad to read you are feeling better I hope it continued into today.

    God bless.

  7. TENS UNIT... really, Amazon has nice ones. My pain doctor who was giving me back injections for YEARS, handed me one. My chiro Doctor was giving me treatments every 2 wks. I do the one at home now and it helps a lot to the point I no longer need injections every 3 months, nor do I get treatments at Chiro so less money spent there. Talked to MIL and she asked her chiro and pain doctor, they got her one also through Amazon.
