Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Wednesday, Getting back to normal

 This is Sissies motto. (Kay not Kim) She also dresses this way....So flamboyant.

Anyway, vertigo is bad today, so I have to be really careful how I move. If you have ever met me, I do not move slowly. I am a goer. This is very aggravating.

Sissie (Kay) has been on a dead run since we arrived.  I have been on a dead try not to fall down. But trying hard to get caught up in the shop.  I have three more wedding dresses for June to get done and hope to finish one today and get started on the other two.

But oh, there are piles and Sissie Kay needs to help, and she is not!!!!!! 

So, the plans for today are to finish a wedding dress, call brides for more info and start two others.  When that is done, I will hit the piles.  I do have one pile that must be done by tomorrow and a bridesmaid dress that needs hemmed.

Yesterday I was able to finish three wedding dresses, so it was a good day. Dan (Kay's husband) has been helping me in the yard.  He helped me work on rock work and it is almost done.  Today he is planting my flowerpots.  HE also helped me plant the garden and has been watering for me.  Such a blessing.  I am so behind, and the weeds are just out of control.  But I just remind myself to shut my eyes to it and I will get to it one day at a time.

Sissie Kay has been cleaning my cupboards, which were a mess, and she caught up my ironing, all 67 pieces.  I know, I know who has that much ironing?

Talked to Slugs yesterday, they are coming in September, and I can hardly wait. i will be driving them to Seattle with Sissie and we will have so much fun.  I got to get to work now as the Witch (Sissie Kay) is standing behind me.

Witch Sissy here...Sissy is listing down the hallway again and I must go catch her...done and she is planted.  Vertigo is a bitch!

Up at 4:30 too early but could not sleep in so up three cups of coffee, put away last night's dinner dishes, cleaned the cat box made two beds and helped the Husband plant some.  Woke Sissy and forced a diet coke on her and she complained loudly!

Dan and I are going to look at another house in less than an hour and then I think we are going to make a decision. Saw an older Craftsman House yesterday in our budget and I think this is going to be the one barring inspection.  We both just homed and there is a bedroom with purple carpet just for Sluggy! Hmmm?  Also, a St Christopher medal hanging in the basement which thrilled my Husband, so I think the Big Guy upstairs is trying to tell us something.  Will keep you posted!

Love, Kim and Kay  ( See Kim is first) 


  1. Don't you dare pull up that purple carpet! lol Good luck with the hunt!

  2. Fingers crossed for the vertigo vertigone. Also wishing the best on the house hunt.
    Also wishing I could be a fly on the wall watching the listing Kim and the scurrying Kay

  3. Kim take care - it has to be such a bummer. Slow and steady.
    Kay good luck - I do believe God let's us know in life!

    1. Jre here, vertigo is so miserable! I’ve had only two shorter bad spells but get what I’d call mild symptoms a fair amount. Have you tried Meclazine? What my Dr. ordered and it’s available OTC now. Also chiropractor and PT helped. I hope you feel better!

  4. I admit Sissie (Kay) made me laugh at her description of Kim listing down the hall. Poor Kim though, vertigo sucks! The Craftsman house sounds absolutely fabulous! I LOVE Craftsman. Fingers crossed it has no major issues and you can buy it, so exciting! Be sure to post pics of whatever you choose please. I adore House Hunting… Cindy in the South

    1. I want Kay to live in my house and I will take the craftsman.

  5. Do hope the vertigo eases up soon. Sounds awful. Glad your Sissie and Bil are there to help with things.
    Good luck with the house hunting. I love Craftsman style houses too.

    1. They put an offer in and I so hope they get it. So cute.

  6. Kim,
    At least you are listing down the hall to sew instead of listing down a road.
    Kay, Good luck on the house hunting. Are you sure she is not now taking in ironing?

  7. My friend, I am so sotty to hear you are still suffering with the vertigo. I can't imagine! So thankful Sis is there helping you! And Kay, the medal is surely a sign!!

    1. I know, I loved the medal, I actually found it. Dan says the rosary every morning.

  8. Really hope the vertigo improves - that sounds awful! (Hawaii Planner)

  9. Do you take Vitamin B12 to help with vertigo? Do you have a prescription of Meclizine? Those both help hubby with his.

    Also, I just need you to know I haven't ironed 67 things in my entire life. I'm 51.

  10. You two are an act! I hope the vertigo passess soon and the home purchase comes soon too.

    1. Well it can't come soon enough, she is in tearing out cupboards again....
