Friday, September 20, 2024

Friday, Finally Done!

I loved this image; it shows how I feel moist of the time. Me wandering in the semi dark, trying to reach a castle of my dreams.  

I am going to admit that grief has kicked my butt. I have so neglected the blog, although I think of all my friends here all the time. I am so grateful for all of you, and I mean that. I know I have not been in touch, but I have to say between grandkids, Sissie's, good friends and all of you I would never have made it.

I was bummed that Slug's did not get to come.  I worry about her and her Hubby.  They are just the most wonderful people.  But if she does not get better soon, I think SIs and I will be on our way out there, come hell or high water.

Talk about sewing my hands off, I completed t.5 wedding alterations in a day.  You have to understand that so much of wedding alterations is hand work.  I sat for 10 hours doing hand work.  Then that evening I went to practice my piano and I had terrible shooting pains up my forearms. I told my teacher about it and she said she got those when she over practiced trying to get ready for a jury. Anyway, finished the last dress Wednesday afternoon, bride came and picked up.

Yesterday, was free.  I still had 10 pairs of missionary pants to let out at the waist and a couple of shirts to put darts in, but SIs and I just took the day and putzed.  It was so nice.  No pressure, took a few things back, went out to lunch and split a salad, just a nice day.

My Motto

I got up this morning, actually was woke up by Sis per usual, and she started ragging on me per usual.  I ignored her for a while per usual and then proceeded to get to work.  It only took 1.5 hours to complete the sewing and call the client.  The shop is done!  I have 4 more wedding dresses to complete for the year.  Two are due out in October, one in November and one in December. I will get those done when I get home and call it a year.  Although more will come in the heat will be off.  

Per Anne in the Kitchen, I will be raising my rates again.  Brides always seemed shocked that my rates are so low even though I have raised them significantly. I have a dress coming in when I get home for a January wedding and I will be raising the price on all dresses coming in from now on and for the new year. I am the only game in town, and I just need to act accordingly. 

I am sure I told you about the bride coming in right before I left for Jethelyn's house, that had been charged $695.00 to take up the shoulders in a dress and hem it.  Well, the breast points hit her about three inches above her breasts. She was getting married in less than a week. I had to remove the sleeves which were horrid, and place three inches of material at the shoulders to drop the neckline to the appropriate length.  I did this as she waited on her first fitting.  Just to show her how I would fix it.  We decided that the dress was much more flattering without the sleeves and that gave me lace to work with to hand embroider over the fabric I had put in to drop neckline.  I added a few other Kim touches from my bag-o-tricks, like a waist belt covered with seed pearls, made from two straps I had cut off another dress and then a beautiful rhinestone broach type center piece, also from another dress.  I save all lace and straps and accoutrements. They come in so handy when there is an emergency.  She looked radiant and no I did not charge her, she had been through enough and I am blessed with work. I have never in my life charged anyone close to $695.00.  Just think I could be rich.  But I also think that is usuary and I could not live with myself.

So here I am ready to go to a very sad funeral.  My niece called me last night about 10:30 at night and we talked about death and widowhood. She is so young, but then I feel young for a widow.  All we can do is go through our grief.  We cannot hide from it.  We cannot wish it away. It will always be with us.  I did get to talk to her about the guilt of death, and second guessing oneself and blaming oneself. I hope it helps her a little.

I had this fabulous surprise weekend plan for my buddy, as a good friend of mines daughter is getting sealed in a Temple in the Tri Cities. I had gotten a hotel room and thought we would have a nice girl's weekend, with a Temple session a nice dinner, hotel stay and drive home.  But the family death messed that up. Oh well we will surely have another chance to get in trouble.

So, we are off tomorrow, back late next week.  Stay tuned I think big changes might be coming as in Kim will get to slow down a little and Kay will get to quit hollering at Kim.  Both will be grateful.



  1. I hope it is legal what you are going to do to Kay. jk

    I don't think it was usury, but it is a lot especially when it had to be redone! Did the original alteration person not notice the breast points out of place???

    Are you of retirement age whatever that is for you?

    You sewed t.5 in one day? Obviously a typo which I would not point out except for wanting to know how many dresses in one day.

    You deserve pay for what you do! Don't feel guilty for raising your prices. This is a once-in-a-lifetime dress. (or they hope)

    I am quite sure your words will help your niece because you have had the same experience.

  2. I am sorry that depression is still so bad for you. Hon, you may need to take the time to go and talk with someone that is a professional. Friends and family can offer so much.
    Safe travels - so sorry for the family.

  3. I think you are young for a widow too Kim. I think grief just kind of follows us around as a part of us & pops its head up in every day things. I think it is a tribute to how much we loved the ones we've lost - imagine if we hadn't cared a jot for them. I think you do very well despite all that life has thrown at you. I think its wonderful that your sis is there with you now even when she hollers at you. Take care my friend, take a big breath & keep putting one foot in front of the other xx

  4. Virtual hugs and prayers for both you and your niece. Sending peaceful thoughts your way. Cindy in the South
