Thursday, June 13, 2024

Thursday, SissieKay has a house!

 Boy could the world use more of this.  My hair looks worse than the lady in the picture, I really need to do something with it, but the effort!!!!

Kay and Dan closed on their house yesterday!  I ran down to see it and then went home and for some reason had a really bad vertigo attack.  I was down all day, and I mean down. So frustrating.  I am being very careful today. I just flipped my head back too quickly and then stood up and I got dizzy, so I laid down.  Big mistake! Laying down flat is not the answer and I paid for it.

Sissi Kay is running around doing all the things you need to do to get into a new place.  I feel bad as I would like to help, but I am not very useful.  

I am taking my buddy and the missionaries out to dinner tonight and then going to visit a church friend.  I also need to deliver some protein drinks to another elderly couple.  I was supposed to do it yesterday but was laid low.  I am going to try and have a late piano lesson as I could not go last night. Tomorrow, I have to get things organized for a charcutier board I need to make for a wedding on Saturday. I am going to help in the kitchen at the reception.  Sissie Kay will slow down long enough to help me get things together.

Signe' came and got Roscoe and took him to get groomed which is good as he was starting to smell like a dog. 

I am trying to get a list in my head for the charcutier.  3 meats, 3 cheeses, 2 kinds of crackers, nuts, grapes, dried apricots. I have bags of nuts in the freezer, and I think I will make a large batch of sugared nuts.  Also need to get some kind of small chocolate. Also pickles and olives.  DO you think that is good? Sissie is much more creative than I in this department.

Well, I have two wedding dresses to get done today and two bridesmaids, and I hope I can work without spinning.

Sissy Kay here!  I am so tired, but we are getting things done.... house is titled at the Courthouse, the utilities, and, and and... We cannot even move out of storage foe a week or two... That is okay!

We have purchased mattresses (3) and three leather chairs for the family room (if that is what you want to call it) and have spent a lot of money!  I had a gutter man come over today to give us a bid and still waiting on that.  The Carpet will be installed in my bedroom next Thursday morning, and the mattresses arrive in the afternoon.  I have scheduled an electrician for next Wednesday for a quote as we have five new light fixtures that must be installed, and that cost a pretty penny. Have spent another fortune on Amazon Prime, but this is our forever, Home.  

There are dilemmas that I will not go into right now as I am too tired. I have neglected Sissy Kim, and She needs my help tomorrow so I will fill you in on Friday's happenings this weekend...

Need a glass of wine and going to bed as that is a priority.  Sluggy, your Room is a work of love and in progress.

Will need some input form you for linen choices!


Kay and also Kim 

(Please notice my name is first)


  1. Kim,
    I cannot imagine how you are able to sew with vertigo!
    I am glad you got the house and utilities done. I bet the 'who is first' has been going on for a long, long time.

  2. Yay on the Kay house!!!!!! So, so exciting!!!!!So sorry about the Kim vertigo!!! Wow, so much going on for y’all!!!! Cindy in the South

  3. I tend to make charcuterie out of 5 or so cheeses, and a few types of meat. Then I add nuts & dried fruit. I do sometimes use olives. I like having a variety of cheese, and customize if there will be kids in attendance. If so, I add a few basic cheese types I wouldn't include if it were all adults. And also, brie. Always brie. (Hawaii Planner)

  4. Kim ,Call your doctor about the veritgo issues... you might have something going you are not realizing (voice in head going, yeah allergies does that crap).

    Kay... a is before i so you get to go first LOL. Welcome to forever home and you will need a few years to get it to where you want .

    Blessings on you and yours
