Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Tuesday, Still working, Sissie is happy!

 This is my new motto, as I think I make SissieKay drink. 

I am so excited about their new house.  I love decorating houses, like I have the time to do that, but I still love it.

I have three wedding dresses I want to get to work on today.  I don't have any excuses not to really get into them, as in no grandkids.  However, the vertigo was a little worse this morning, of course.  Dang crap wish it would go away!

It is actually getting to be summer here, finally and I am loving it.  I love the sunshine and warm weather.  It makes me so happy. 

I have book club tonight.  They are reading Jane Austin's Pride and Prejudice, which I think I might have memorized.  Sissie and I quote it all the time.

This is my second month of piano lessons, and although I do well, I never feel like I can just play something and not make any mistakes.  It is so frustrating. But I will persevere.  I just want to feel more comfortable playing for church.  I get so nervous.  Which is weird as I accompanied the choirs when I was in High School, freshman through senior years and thought nothing of it.  Old age?

Well, I am off to sew.  Sissie and Dan are out getting paint chips and going out to lunch at a restaurant that gives service men a free lunch once a month.  Dan's 25 years of service are worth something!

Have a great day.


Sissy here...good lunch and I am so happy that we live in a small valley that honors Vets!  Of course, we tipped the price of the free meal as the servers need our blessings also.  Tomorrow is the day and all funds have been wired and are in place.  We went and got paint chips for two bedrooms as they will be painted before we officially move in, and I will go to the Carpet place tomorrow after closing and get that ball rolling.  Then the plumber and the electrician.  We must buy rugs or will order them online from amazon.

I do not see us officially moving into the House until the middle of July, but we shall see.  We brought way too much and must place things where they need to go and then all else leaves us one way or another.

We must also get all of our utilities arranged tomorrow and go to the Court House to get the Homestead exemption due to our age and the age of the property.  Because we are in small town USA our auto insurance went down $70.00 a month, but our Homeowners is high due to the age of the House.  However, the insurance Company is sending an inspector in two weeks to look at the property and I know it will go down.  At least we got the place insured.  So much to do it is mind boggling.

We must get new Driver's Licenses and title the Car and we must take the Driver's test which we have not taken since we were both 15 years old.  That should be interesting.

I am still working on organizing Sissy's cupboards and a Lazy Susan came today and more spice jars so that is my goal this afternoon.  I also have boat load of ironing to do again.  But it can wait, as I am a finisher and one thing at a time.

The shop is caught up and Kim is working on three different wedding dresses with my help here and there.  Dan is working in the yard.

So, wish us luck tomorrow and I am so excited!




  1. Everything sounds so fabulous! I am so happy the twins are near each other again! New house for Kay and Dan and new adventures for all!!!!! Cindy in the South

    1. It is a great thing. I still can't believe she is here. Both my sister's are here.

  2. Somehow, I thought you were an accomplished pianist. Maybe just rusty? It all sounds so exciting.
    Kay, I know you are excited about a new home. The excitement is palpable in your post and Kim's, too.

    1. Oh, know I am not. I have played really hard things through flat out memory, but I am not accomplished. I can play for church and I have to practise.

  3. It sounds like things are going well in your home front - both of you! There is always much to do when moving and getting new property. I am sure it will all be worth it!

    1. I know Kay is running around like a chicken with her head cut off, and I just laughed at her. I get to watch me and it is fun and exhausting.

  4. Kim, I am sure by now your have those wedding dresses completed. Sissy glad thinga are moving right along on the new home.

    God bless.

    1. No as vertigo has me up and down but I am on track and that is a good thing.

  5. Had you on my mind when my vertigo kicked up and I was using a walker to stay upright.Doc said it was due to allergies with drainage backing up into my ear. That clearing up so vertigo is down to "don't move fast" mode.

  6. Moving is so much work! Sounds like things are going as smoothly as possible! Glad you have each other. :-) (Hawaii Planner)

    1. It is crazy here. But it will die down eventually.

  7. Kim, I love your meme! Are you making Sissy imbibe or smile? Or both?
    Kay, Congratulations on the house and all the projects I know you have planned!

    1. I don't need to make Sissy imbibe, you should know that!

  8. Kim, hope you feel better, and I hope you are able to get those wedding dresses finished so you can have some fun. :)
    Kay, congratulations on the house sale, and good luck with buying the new house. So exciting.

    1. Thanks Kathy it is a very on going process here.

  9. Kim and Sissy, you are making light work of everything. And Dan too. Onwards and upwards!
