So: Lent begins. I remember as a child I always gave up candy and it was so hard. Some of my Catholic friends are fasting today and will attend Ash Wednesday services. When I was teaching Irish dance my company kids would come in for rehearsals with ashes on their foreheads and by the end of class, they would all have the ashes in their neck creases. Good memories if all those little bodies traipsing in... miss those days.
But I have now heard from several sources about doing some kind of kind deed for every day of Lent. It does not have to be announced or reported. Just think of how we could all change the world just a little with a kind deed for 40 days! Just a little sunshine in your little corner of the universe. I know I am going to do this. It is easy, it will be fun. This does not have to be costly or grand. Just a kindness. Who is with me on this? Anyone? Anyone? 40 acts of kindness times as many of us that want to participate. Thoughts?
Aunty is here! She was one of the last off the plane and we were starting to worry. But then a tall good looking gentle man came out of the plane leading a small woman with a bright pink vest on and it was the Aunty! He helped her into the hanger and told us how delighted he was to sit with her. She is a hoot! We took her to lunch and then home for a long nap. Woke her at supper. She is out right now with Sis. The are getting supplies and who knows what else.
She has lost ground and is feebler and a little more unstable. Her hearing is very bad, and I wish there was something we could do. But you have to live near your hearing doctor, so our hands are tied. Unless we could get her to live with us. I don't know the answer.
Made two large loaves of French bread yesterday to go with Sissies spag sauce. I am going up to Will and Kelsa's to pick them up from school and stay through dinner time. Kindergarten reg. is this evening and Signe' has to go, and Nate is at work. I am taking up a pan of stuffed shells and a loaf of bread for dinner. So, I have to be out the door by 2:15 that means I have to get my sewing done now.
Also, I have to get taxes done tomorrow, as I promised my accountant I would have them in this week, UGH!
But I did get several of my seedling transplanted to bigger pots. I did the sunflowers, and the pumpkins. The rest were not really ready. Will wait a few more weeks! My alyssum is doing well. I have never planted it before, as I thought it was too delicate, but it is so easy. I am excited to see if I can add that to my list of plants to sow.,
Lots to do today, so I had better get going!
God is good