Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Tuesday, Up and Attem

 Not that I don't like people from California, but they just seem to be the ones that have lately been gored. 

What is it with people?  Buffalo do not like to be petted.  Did you see Sluggy and out trying to Pet buffalo?  No!  But then we did follow Ty out onto the high prairie in and open vehicle.  So maybe....

I swear every day we have a report of a buffalo accident.  And no, we don't euthanize the buffalo.  Most of the time we euthanize the tourist.  All I can do is shake my head.

I was not good yesterday, but I did get some very needed housework done.

Today I will sew as I have a wedding dress to be picked up this afternoon and I haven't finished it!

My best buddy has a funeral next week about 8 hours away.  I am going to drive her, and we are going to take a little girl trip.  Not for a great reason, but we will make it an adventure. So, I have to finish up 4 dresses before I leave.  That will put some fire under my saddle.  Actually, I need the fire. This has been going on way too long.  I swear I can make a Tolstoy novel out of a few dresses.  Let's get it done and quit stressing and whining.

I am sick of the whining; I can hear myself on auto play.  Just get the darn things done.  Get on with your life. 

Missionaries are coming over to borrow my scale as they are both going home and need to weigh their suitcases. I would think they would want to throw most of their clothes away. You would be so sick of them by now.

So today I will be busy, and I hope to be able to report to you tomorrow how much I accomplished.

Missing my Slug.  Missing carrot cake.  Missing cruising. 



  1. We need a stupid tax like $10,000 (the forest service could really use the money). It has to really hurt for people to pay attention. Your picture gets posted out of your car near wild animals? $10k-no court, no attorney, just right the check. There are bears that wander central Idaho towns when they are out of hibernation. People are furious and want something done. Duh, our homes are on THEIR land. Steer clear and secure your garbage you dumba$$es. I am so sick of the complaints about wild animals. Bear in town? Keep your kids and dogs inside, don't walk through the woods and wait till Fish and Game says all clear. (last time there was one nearby, F/G rang the doorbell and advised exactly this. They had tracked her to my back yard 😂

    Yes, you hit one of my many Soapboxes!

    Sew girl sew!

    1. I know. We have deer, elk, mountain lions (although I will call the farmer when I see one of these as they are after his calves), rattlesnakes, coyotes. You just use common sense.

  2. People are just so ignorant. WHY would anyone think it would be ok to go poke or stand next to a wild animal? Yesh lets go stand next to a roaming tiger or lion - NO!
    I really think society is going down the crapper and quickly! Maybe they should just become animal chow! (the people).

    Get those dresses done kiddo - at least you and your friend will have some bonding time.

    1. YEs we will and we do have fun. It is a Murphy's law, a way to get rid of the stupid in our population hopefully before they can breed.

  3. I worked in Yellowstone one summer (30 years ago) and one of the very first things they did during orientation was to show us a video of someone getting too close to a bison and what happens when you do. It made a lasting impression on me! I can only assume people think they can outrun them or that they are "pet-like" since they are in a park. In any case, a rough lesson to learn if you must!

    1. I know! Growing up in Montana believe me we had a healthy respect for these creatures. They are the size of a Volkswagen. I mean their heads are as wide as a Volkswagen.

  4. I love carrot cake. Unless it has raisins in it, I hate raisins. I'm sure you'll get those dresses done. You always do. Then you'll have a great trip with your friend.

  5. Carrot cake is one of my favorites!!

  6. Carrot cake isn't my top choice (bring on the chocolate), but in a pinch, I definitely won't say no to that. Yum.
