Friday, February 28, 2025

Friday, Frugal Friday! Monthly goals:


Well, here we are folks.  Did Kim get as much done this week as she wanted?  NO! But she did get something done and that is better than previous weeks. I will call that a win,

I have a wedding dress to hem today, and I don't think I will do much more sewing than that. I really wanted to spray yesterday, and it was too windy and today might prove the same.  Dang!

Stayed the night with Kelsa and Will last night as parents had a late date.  I slept horrible as in did not go to sleep until after 4, so I am definitely dragging. I had nothing to do with the kids just me. Insomnia has been bad the last few nights.  Ugh!

Anyway, enough complaining.  It is warm as in 60 and sunny.  Perfect for outdoor work, unless you want to spray. *&&^%$#

So, what frugal things did Kim accomplish this week?

1. Had 4 no spend days so that was better than last week
2.  Did not eat out at all
3. No spend on groceries
4. all meals from pantry and what I could dig up.
5. needed to buy things for a food bank activity for church and used and Ibotta gift card to not spend money.
6.  Joanns zippers were 40 % off and I was able to take advantage of that for a client, pass savings to myself
7. Started more seedling to keep from buying plants in late May.  Also, will have enough to sell and give away.

Monthly Goals that were achieved:

1. paid $800 to a savings goal and that goal is complete. Onto the next one!
2. Only bought groceries once on the 1st spent $60.12. This last week has been hard I have wanted crackers and chips and candy.  But it is the 28th and I can wait until tomorrow.
3. Pulled chicken breasts from freezer, peas, corn. Freezers are still full. Pantry is still full.
4. Had 13 no spend days so that was pretty good, almost half

Goals not achieved:
1. I wanted to pay an extra $367.00 on the mortgage but did not make that.  Just did not have the savings and did not put forth the work.  This has to change.

But overall, I am pleased with the month.  I had three savings goals to achieve this year, and one is done.  My next one I hope to be able to do next month. It takes a long time to save money, and it gets harder to do without.  Not that I do without, but I do stay out of stores and use what is here and that gets pretty boring. Boring leads savings.  How can I fix that?

Accountant called and wants my taxes next week!  So, guess what I will be taking a day to do?
Yippee! You all know how I love to do taxes.

God is good


  1. Sounds like a good week and month to me. You better stock up on thread, zippers and such from Jo-Anne unless you have another good alternate.

  2. You had some great wins! Well done with the $800 to savings, and all of your "use it up" food prep & planning. I did "okay" with my February goals. Not amazing, but some good progress in a few areas. (Hawaii Planner)

  3. It sounds like you had a good week. It sometimes takes a bit longer to do other savings goals I have found.

    God bless.
