Monday, September 17, 2018

Monday, Late post, funeral

Well I finished chart 16 and I hope to have 17 completed before we leave on our trip on the 27th.  That gives me 10 days.

    Lil sis and I attended a funeral for a man that I have known for 30 years.  I coached with him when we first moved here.  He also went to Lil sis's church.  Such a funny man and we would get together for dinners at Lil sis's.  It was a lovely service, but the reception memorial was long.  Lil sis came home with me and helped me cut the tulle on one of my wedding dresses.  It was a ball gown style and a I did not want my healing blisters to break open she did the cutting for me.

    I have finished two more Wedding dresses and they should be picked up tomorrow.  I have one more to do and a boat load of alterations.  So tomorrow I will work hard on getting everything organized so I can finish things up before I leave.   As I get work in every day , I do need to get all things out until I start to tell people they cannot have their things until I get back and I probably won't start that until next week.

     I don't want to speak too soon but my arthritis seemed to be a little better this morning.  I am hoping I am over the top of the flare.

     As I was finishing up the last of the wedding dress I realized I needed to go pay the water bill and I made it to the office with 3 minutes to spare.  I like to live on the dangerous side.  Not.

   Money saving madness Sept. 9th-16th 2018

1.  Ate all meals at home except one and then we used a giftcard
2. Used food and meat out of pantry and freezers for all meals.
3. Ate lettuce, squash, peppers, tomatoes out of garden.  
4. Purchased, 4 boxes of cereal for .99 a  box, artichokes .99 a piece bought 4
5. Only bought milk, fresh things and the above for groceries this week.
6. turned the collar on one of hubs shirts that was wearing.
7. continued to work on plastic bag rug.
8. took a house warming gift of 12 pullet eggs wrapped in one of my large wax wraps. Practically free to me!
9. Used coupons at Joanns for purchases.
10.Was able to save the bottoms of 4 pairs of blue jeans that will make 24 quilt squares for my next jean car quilt
11. Used wax wraps and reused jars and saved plastic containers for leftovers.
12. Fed all food scraps  to chickens.
13. Ate all of our leftovers
14.found a total of .51 for my pig bank.

What did you do to save money this week?

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.




  1. Sounds like a good and productive week, Kim. I hope your next week is just as productive. :)

    1. It is a time crunch here right now and I am trying to stay on top of the ever threatening pile.

  2. Blessings to you.
    At this point in time, money is tough to save. If I don't spend what comes in that's a different story. Our medical bills right now are eating me alive. Until they are paid off, it's a tight one around here.
    d on the prairie

    1. I am sorry. Medical is a killer as I have been there. Lets to you all staying healthier in the future.

  3. So glad you got another card completed. I have enjoyed seeing you knock them off.
    I wish you lived close. I have been shopping around for a dress to wear to my sons wedding. Since the MOB decided to wear a long dress I am bound to one too, but the wedding is at 2 on a Sunday afternoon so none of the typical "fancy" dresses will work. I need skills and a sharp eye (I have neither) to come up with something long, relatively plain, and suitable.

    1. Yikes Mother of the bride can be so Motherly. I would suggest Talbots but they do not carry long. Send me pictures.
