Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Wednesday, Hump day

I am trying to clean up a replace overgrown plants in the flower beds.  We have lived in this house for 20 years and many things that I planted over the years are so over grown.  The problem is hand strength and time.  I also had a issue with ivy overgrowing a sprinkler head that prevented good watering of this area.  I usually pay more attention, but this summer was just a bust.  I will keep working on these beds this fall.  Hubs will help by hurking the old plants out so I can put new ones in either this fall or next spring.   I am fighting with my blog frame today, so who knows what this post will turn out like.

I wish I had gotten more sewing done but that is the way it is.  I have dinner ready for today when I go teach and I can catch up if I really concentrate.  Concentrate: not just for orange juice any more.  Embroider that on a pillow.

    Here are a couple of pictures of my bread I made.  This recipe will make 5 large loaves, but I made one pan of rolls.  I love how the rolls turn out.  They are chewy and seedy like the expensive artisan rolls you can get at a local bakery 6 for $8.00.  Yes that price is right.  Now consider that I can make 4 loaves of bread and 10 rolls for about $2.00 in ingredients is pretty good money savings.

Yum rolls!
  I took a loaf of bread and a pot of homemade chicken noddles to the family with triplets and the new baby.  I know she is really over stressed right now.  Then hubs and I dropped off some diapers and clothes to a family that has 5 boys and had just gotten a call to foster a baby girl from the NICU.  She is so tiny and still on oxygen.  So sweet.

     The large pot of chicken soup I mad was from boiling down all the chicken carcasses from when mom passed.  So the chicken was free.  Plus I added all the broth I had made in the freezer.  Added carrots, celery, onions, fresh herbs garlic, and made my own egg noodles.  Again it took 8 eggs but as I have chickens I don't count this as an expense.  SO a pot of chicken soup that would feed 4 families for maybe $1.50 in veggies. I grow my own spices, garlic and onions.  How can I beat that.  I am telling you cook from scratch.  It tastes better and is far cheaper than trying to buy things at the market.

Two loaves ready for the oven.

Well I need to go and set my hair, as I bathed and let it dry, so I look like a wicked witch.  I have to teach today and I have a pile of sewing to complete before I leave and when I get home.  I will not have a repeat of last week.

I had another bride pick up her dress so now I only have one that I need to get done and I hope to do that tomorrow.  I think I have everything under control in the shop if people would just stop coming.  Yeah like that is going to happen.

Arthritis is still bothering me way more than it should.  I am trying to be patient but it is so hard.

I had better get to work as no magic fairy is going to come and do it for me.  Drat!

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.



  1. Mmmmmmm chicken soup and homemade bread. YUM
    You sure are a busy gal. I like my down time now and then.
    Have a good one!

    1. It was very good, but it is gone now and I have to come up with another good meal. Hmmm...

  2. Your bread looks beautiful, Kim. The chicken soup sounds delicious.
