Sunday, September 8, 2019

Saturday, Lovely

     I was able to get the wisteria cut back and clean out around the flower bed under the wisteria.  It took several hours and filled three large trash barrels and the truck.  I think everything on that list I made for September is a project.  But as I have found other things that needed done I have added them so now I am at least 7 for 7.  I was hoping to get out a little today but it is raining at last.  We are really behind on rain so I will not squeak.

     I still have not made up my eggplant parm so I will do that after a long nap this afternoon.  I need to run to my Lil sis's house and feed her cats, she is gone for the weekend.

     This is hell week for Hubs as the musical he is playing for opens this week.  He will be gone in the evenings which will give me plenty of time to get things done.  I like to work on projects that make messes, like cleaning and organizing when he is not around to question every little thing I do.  Then try to find a way to make the job longer and harder than is should be.  It is just easier.

      We had a church conference today and we got to hear from several women who all are married to doctors or dentists and how perfect their lives are and how they can have the perfect religious home and do all things required and asked of them.  I sit through this often and say in my evil little voice, have you every had to work or pay a bill?  Have you ever had to wonder where you were going to get the money to keep your lights on?  Do you sew several hours a day and maintain everything in your home?  I could be perfect too if all I had to do was  raise my kids and fuss over my appearance and keep my house clean.  I am tired of belonging to the B team, and hearing of the perfection of the A teamers.

     Well this is a quiet Sunday and I am off to check on Lil sis's cats and grab a storage container from her basement.

     Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.



  1. I know what you mean about your hubs getting in the way and making projects longer than need be. That is why I always cleaned out my daughter's room when she was in school. LOL
    I hope you're having a terrific Sunday, Kim. :)

    1. You know if I really wanted my kids rooms cleaned I also did that! We are smart women.

  2. You made me LOL on the doctors' wives and their perfect little lives. Here! Here! I used to feel the same way, especially when told how to treat others "thinking they have never had to work with the public and all the crazy people I work with ." Now that I no longer work away from home and have the time to do all those wonderful things that they are doing, I have become a recluse! I also know what you mean about wanting to do the dirty work when hubby isn't home... I put off projects until mine is gone, too. We must be kindred spirits!

    1. Oh yeah, and they don't even clean their own houses... don't let them fool you. LOL

    2. It is a real problem at least for me. They rule, their husbands rule and the rest of us get the scraps and the dirty work.They just have no clue.

    3. I see where you are coming from and totally agree.

  3. What?! You mean you aren't perfect with the perfect life? Don't say it too loud or my troll will hear ya and come raise heck over here too. lolz

  4. My MIL!!! Well, not married to a doctor or dentist, but hasn't worked outside the home since her first child was born (hubs), never worried about money, though did book work or some other stuff on her own schedule for her husband.

    1. It drives me nuts. I just did not marry well I guess.

  5. If it makes you feel any better, Kim, I'm on the "B" team with ya! ha ha Quite honestly, I wouldn't want their lives - not always as "perfect" as they want people to believe.

    And I agree - I get WAY MORE accomplished when hubby is out of the house & out of my hair! Since he retired he's thrown a wrench in my daily routine of getting up early & getting shit done while listening to GMA! Oh well, I'm certainly blessed in that we get along so well & truly enjoy each other's company. Have a good week! Don't forget to use the word "NO!" a few times, too! ;-)

    1. I am so happy to see that others have the same deal with their other half:)

  6. I too a. On the B team always have been always will be. I am glad my life isn’t perfect, it allows my kids and grandkids learn. Love your blog and your closing saying. Have a great week!

  7. I have known the A Team personally. They deal with worse things than housekeeping, like infidelity, low self-esteem and all the attendant procedures to stay looking young. Ignore them. Your hectic life is better for building character. I know, you have built enough character and need rest.

    My ex would arrive home anytime he liked and complain mightily that the vac was out and the place was a wreck.

    1. Mine actually never complains, unless I start a project.

  8. Without you, they wouldn't have an audience! So good job, providing that valuable service...

  9. You are the A team. Perfection is in the eye of the beholder. And obviously they can't see beyond their own noses.

    Wow! You really got a lot wisteria weeded.

    1. I love wisteria but it is a killer. If we could figure out how to isolate the growth habit of wisteria into all foods there would be no world hunger.

  10. Boycott that next conference. Women like that really don't have anything of value to say to me. I want someone who has been/is in the trenches.

    1. Me too. Yet there they are every time, telling us how spiritual they are.

  11. I like to think we're building character, cleaning our own houses ;-) That's what I tell the kids when I rope them into helping to clean the bathrooms. .. and then, have to go back over everything. I've thought about skipping their help, but really, they need to learn, despite it driving me batsh*t crazy

    1. Love the term BATSH$T.. You know bat guano is so powerful it can actually drive one nuts.

  12. So is that what is supposed to be inspirational for the people that go to those? Yikes! If I wanted to be inspired to marry a doctor or dentist, I'd have done that... but where's the fun?! I'd rather sew all day. and of course, deal with the madness that I have in my house!
