Thursday, April 2, 2020

Thursday, Hanging on :)

     Look at that clean and organized desk!  I actually did something.  I got all my bills paid for the month!

This is the mess before, bills receipts, Albertsons game pieces every where. Meds not put away.  I am a slob at heart.

  This was my sewing table, all I could do was knock stuff off here it was such a mess.  No wonder I did not want to sew.

Here it is nice and organized.  I am sure the diet coke from Mc D's helped.  Don't worry it was thoroughly sanitized and wiped off once it got into my car.

I think I uncovered at least 6 pairs of scissors and 9 seam rippers when I cleaned this mess up!

I was able to snap out of it and when I went to order a pizza for the missionaries who are stuck in their apartment, I asked for the special and it was, $9.79 plus tax and then I thought I would send a dessert and a bottle of soda.  Also don't forget to tip the driver.  When she told my my total it was $28.34.

What ????? well there is now a surcharge on delivery(actually can't blame them)  Soda is $4.00 a bottle and the dessert up to $7.00.  So I cancelled the order.  Hubs and I went and ordered the pizza curbside, I ran into A&B (a small grocery store) bought a large bottle of Sprite $1.50, and a box of twinkies on sale $2.50 ( I know this elder loves Twinkies and I am all about comfort food right now) then we delivered it to the front porch, saving Kim over $12.00.

I think getting up and setting my hair and putting on makeup helped me to do more yesterday, don't know why.  It is shallow I know but that is how I roll.

It is still pretty cold out and we had a rain/snow/hail storm last night.  So much for spring around here.  The sun is shining right now so I am going out to see how long it will last.

Hubs and I need to go and get more food for all the animals and we decided not to go on the weekend as to many people from out of town come in and they don't socially distance very well.

On another note we have a nephew with the virus.  He is a social worker for the Air force Base in Mountain Home Idaho, his wife is a nurse and they have 5 children.  He is isolated and is doing fine.  But this is hitting home.

They have finally allowed our daughter who has been at the courthouse everyday to go into teams where they are there every other week. I am happy about that as one of the attorneys wives is being tested.

So this crap is getting way too close.

I don't know what I am going to do today but I am going to stay active.  Will report tomorrow.

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.



  1. There does come the day when you have to clean around the sewing machine. I could not keep a waste basket near because things would fall off. So far, I do not know anyone personally who has the virus.

  2. I get it: I'm cleaning up old piles that have set way too long. Thinking of you out there and hoping for the best outcomes.

    1. Well everyday I feel w come closer to figuring this out and a cure or a treatment.

  3. I don't think you are a slob at heart one single bit Kim. I think you do amazing with all the balls you juggle in the air. Yes I cleaned up my sewing space too - mine looked much worse than yours did my friend !!

    1. Isn't it amazing how messy things can get when you are creative?

  4. Kim, I was wondering if you know if something happened to Sluggys blog. It said it was private. Thank you
