Friday, July 7, 2023

Friday I am here

 My eldest just after she put a serial pedophile away for life.  She deserves to be happy and so do we. That afternoon she drove 150 miles to buy a new car.  She hasn't had a new car for 16 years, so she was due.  Look at the files on that guy... amazing and sickening at the same time.

I have been quite depressed but also busy.  I am going with my middle daughter and her family for a few days to the Oregon coast so I wanted to really get all July dresses and the first week of August dresses out.  I still have three more to go and two of them are very hard.

I hemmed 5 bridesmaid dresses yesterday and ripped one of the hard wedding dresses. 

Had bridezilla yesterday and still have no idea what she had in mind.  She came in two weeks ago with a short notice dress.  All it needed ws the shoulder straps lifted and a hem in front and bustling hooks.

She came to pick it up and took so long trying it on. She asked what the button at the bottom of her zipper was for and I said it is your bustling button.  Then I started to show her the looping I had put in for the bustle.  She asked why that was needed and I said so you are not dragging this long train all over during your reception.  She retorted that she was not having a reception, just her husband and her, so she did not need it.  I am thinking then why did you stand there for 15 minutes while I measured and put the bustling pins in?  No problem I will take the button off and then I will remove the loops.  I took $25.00 off her charge as I did not realize she did not want a bustle. 

 Then she noticed that the dress was missing some beading along the front cleavage. She was very large busted and those beads are put on with a single thread.  The pulling of the tulle straps causes the beads to snap.  Now when she brought the dress in I had pulled up the shoulder straps about an inch on each side to bring her bust up a notch as it was sagging over the under bust trim.  I also noticed that she had broken the beading strings on both sides of the straps, probably due to the largeness of her bust. I took the straps up and did a french seam to strengthen to straps and replace the missing beads with the little bead sack they send with dresses. Tulle dress straps stretch very easily and can also fray if the bust is heavy.  Now she wanted the bag of beads and I had used them all to fix her straps so I dug in my bride box and found others to replace and sent her home with extra's.  She left disgruntled and I could not figure out why.

About 5 minutes later she returns and another customer had also pulled up. She told me to take care of him as she had some things she wanted to discuss with me about her dress and she did not want to do it in front of someone else.  I went into shop and got the man's things all the time praying, please Heavenly Father help me with this.  Then she pulled her dress out of her trunk and came back in and told me she did not like the french seam on the shoulder straps.  I explained that they were french seamed before just not enough to prevent stretching and breaking because of the larger bust.  I had always done tulle straps this way and many of my dresses already came like that.  She then turned the dress over and said then why did you replace my zipper?  I looked at her and said I didn't.  Who in there right mind would ever replace a zipper on a wedding dress?  Linda help me here.... I mean really?

She grunted her disapproval and left in a huff after saying that if she had know the straps were going to look like this she would never have had me do them.  I did not argue but they would have continue to stretch and breaking and losing beads without stabilization.  Then she left again and sent two hateful texts.I tried to calm her but she wanted the last word, so I let her have it.  Honestly two tiny one inch seams at the shoulders of a dress cannot even be seen and you would have to have an aerial camera to see them and they had beads all over.  I still don't get it. The more I think about it I think she was trying to get her money back.  I mean to accuse me of replacing her zipper.  There is one crazy bride every year so I guess I was due.

Aunty Jessie sent 4th of July clothes.  Don't they look cute?

I spent the 4th cleaning house and then going to little sis's for a BBQ and swimming.  Then everyone back here at dark to watch the city fireworks from our deck.  Then the three grand kids stayed the night with me and my youngest daughter.  My youngest daughter is very sweet and sensitive to others needs, I just love that kid.

All of us the evening of the 4th blowing bubbles, and playing with poppers.  So fun.

Sissy will be here next week and she will try and whip my butt back into shape.  I should be afraid.



  1. You must have the patience of Job. I couldn't deal with Bridzilla and quite honestly, I hope her big boobs pop a mess of beads off her dress and her straps come down and she spills her goods for ALL TO SEE!!

    1. Well she did send me another txt demanding $100 back so she could have the straps redone and I told her know and gave her my attorney's #. She was just looking not to pay.

  2. First off I think your daughter is
    a HERO. I say this as a person who was subjected to growing up with an evil pedophile. They can never be cured.
    I had no hero to save me.
    Thank her for all of us who
    we're abused.
    I'm sorry a thoughtless,self centered person caused you
    grief,like you need anymore heaped on you.
    Hug those adorable grand babies
    tight! Love to you and yours.

    1. I am so sorry. It is very hard to get theses people put away. I mean years. She has been on this man for 16 years.

  3. Be VERY afraid! lol

    1. IS that because SIssie is coming? You are right she is going to scream when she sees the house, my closet, the shop, the ironing basket, the garage.....

  4. If that bride isn't even having a wedding, why is she wasting your time and her money on a wedding dress?

    1. For her and her husband. And by the way she bought the dress for herself and no one else.

  5. Her comment about not having a reception probably explains it all. She is mad and taking it out on you.

  6. Thank your daughter for the people of the world. She did everyone a great favor. It is too bad all the hurt cannot be erased.
    I cannot imagine in my wildest dreams why anyone would make straps of tulle. It is not a fabric that takes to a lot of stress! I would have had to have spoken up and insisted I replace the straps with something sturdier and reminded her that her boobs were going to destroy the straps. Then, if all the beads snap off, she was warned. Some idea are good in the planning but not in the execution. Poor YOU! I would have charged her for the extra beads. I wonder if she knows how to sew them on. And, will she take needle and thread to the ceremony. Are they getting married in a church with no reception? I never argue with that kind of person over sewing. I know the person would bad-mouth me. But, I had too many happy customers to worry.
    Sissie will be nothing now. When/If she starts in, tell her about the awful bride, that she cannot make you do anything because you are bulletproof now. Then, do what she says.
    I love the little sandals.

    1. No zippers in wedding dresses. I would bow out of that. I had a man bring me a pageant dress for a child (6) that had a waist too long. I was supposed to take out a zipper, manage all the gathered layers and sew the bodice to skirt and put the bottom of the zipper back! I refused but said I could do something. I did and it looked awful. But, I sent him on his way. He brought it to me around 9 at night and needed it by 10 the next morning. He should have taken it to the original sewer. I regret even touching it, but he begged nicely.

    2. I new you would see it my way. All I could think of during this fiasco was, "What would Linda think?"

  7. I would have told her, in no uncertain terms: "You have a very large, heavy bust. Great for your groom--he won't snap under the weight. This dress? Not so much."

  8. Thanks to your wonderful daughter for the amazing work she does in keeping us a little bit safer from these disgusting people.
    Your wee grandies are so sweet Kim .. they always make me smile.
    You sure did have a Bridezilla!!! You are very patient. I had a lady ask me to make her a ballerina cushion last week ...she is a "difficult picky customer" to put it mildly. I said No sorry - she said why not! Normally I would've launched into a million different reasons why I couldn't (lying) but instead I just said Because I don't want to thanks!!!!

    1. Exactly. I can usually spot the difficult ones and send them on thier way with I don't think I can make you happy.

  9. The whole world is better with a serial abuser locked up for life. Thank your daughter!
    Now about bridezilla__water off a ducks back. The only thing you need to do is feel sorry for the guy who is going to be stuck with her forever.
    Oh yeah ____Fear the Sissy!

    1. I know I thought about that. Her poor husband.... Poor me Sissie is coming and you should see my shop. She is going to kill me. I am typing this with a smile on my face.

  10. Yay for your daughter winning the case! Sex cases are the toughest, at least to me, because the victims are still suffering the after effects. Congratulations on her new vehicle! I have a murder trial in a week and I am very stressed. Bridezilla exhibited narcissistic behavior. I doubt you could have pleased her no matter what. Cindy in the South

    1. That is what I told her in my txt. You would not have been happy with anything I did for you. Jess has been working for 16 years to put this bastard away.

  11. Good for your daughter. I realized Thursday that I have a "Sissy" but she's nearly 10 years older. She helped me, no managed me with the garage clean out. We need and detest that we need this help, I think. That bride is the worst kind of behaving human- sucking the joy out of her own life and taking no prisoners.

    1. I know right? Her poor husband to be.... I want to see you so bad.

  12. Oh, the poor husband-to-be of that Bridezilla. I wish your "Sissy" had been there to give her the heave ho. You have such patience. Bless you!

  13. You were far more patient with the bride than I would be. One of the reasons I couldn't run my own business is I have zero poker face, and don't deal well with shenanigans. At my work, I often call out shenanigans, but with my door closed. Sometimes I do it in meetings, but I try hard to be a good girl. I'm not always successful. ;-)

    Congrats to your daughter for her win, but also for the win to society. Well done!

    1. I have no poker face either and it gets me into trouble all the time. Or it might be my mouth. We had no men at choir practice a couple of Sundays ago and I hollered down the hall, Women in here making decisions.... They decided to show up and I was given the evil eye, but I wore it like a badge.

  14. Please congratulate your daughter for a job well done on that monster! She has done society a service against a crime that is far too widespread! I hope he gets what he deserves while in prison. Child abusers are not treated kindly there.

    1. I think the real justice will be served there.

  15. Gee just a wedding with her and the groom? I wonder what's going on there. You do have the patience of Job.

  16. Congrats to your daughter. She is a Hero for putting away a pedophile. I hope, he rots in jail. That bridezilla! I am glad you're done with her. Your grands are so cute as always.

  17. So proud of your daughter. Why such a dress when there is no reception. I feel sorry for the groom.

  18. Hello, my friend. Please thank your daughter for her work. What a blessing she is to so many. That bride should be ashamed of herself. Unfortunately, people like her rarely see themselves as the problem. She will be miserable the rest of her life. Love the photo with you and your little ones! Hugs and love!

  19. Well done for your daughter in the courtroom!!! And love the photo of you and the littles! Hope the Oregon coast is cool and soothing.

  20. Congratulations to your daughter! Love the picture of you with the 3 kiddos. Super cute.
