Monday, October 22, 2018

Monday, Money saving madnes, busy week

     Well I was pretty proud of myself on Saturday as Hubs and I took a major load to the dump, one of several we will need to make this fall.  Then we moved the new to me fridge and freezer into our garage.  Then we really cleaned the house.  I mean the whole house. I preset the table for Sunday dinner and it saved so much stress when we had company arrive just a hour after church.

     I am excited about my new little freezer.  I have never had one and I could never buy a lot of extra things when I found a good sale.  Even while I had all the kids at home.  It was hard to juggle food stuffs and try to save money when you have no place to store frozen things.  Now here we are with no kids and I have a freezer.  But it will make doing freezer meals for other easier.

    I am also going to organize my meals for the upcoming week upstairs and keep the freezer in my kitchen less stuffed.  It is hard to find things.  Hopefully this will help me with meal planning which I have never perfected.  Maybe never will.

     The little are here today as we will be gone at the end of the week. Hub's dad turns 90 on Friday so we will drive down to the Boise area to have a special dinner with him.  Our oldest daughter will drive over with her mother-in-law and the baby so we can see our James.  We will shop in Boise on Saturday and come home after church on Sunday.

     Out son-in-law from Twin Falls is due in today at about 3:30 and he is bringing our oldest grandson to stay with us for 3 days.  Three days of Danny/  Hooray!  He only has school for 2 days this week so they are pulling him out to spend time with us.  Son-in-law has a water Law conference up on the pan handle. So we will get to see both our boys this week and I am so excited.

      I see some fishing with grandpa and some cookie baking and going to Effie burger.  What ever else we can find to entertain a 7 year old.

   One thing I did not get done this weekend was laundry, so I will work on that today and I need to get into the shop when the kids go down for naps.  I also need to vacuum pack some meat I bought on a good sale.

Monday's money saving madness Oct 14th-20th 2018

1. Cooked all meals from home pantry and storage except for one.
2. fed all scraps to chickens.
3. Picked up two packages of meat marked down and then another 50% off
4. My clothlise was fixed (finally) and I was able to use it.  Cold weather clothes take much longer to dry, now I can dry them and just throw them in for a few minute to soften them up.
5. Went to Joann's several times and used coupons also Ibotta for $3.00 savings
6.  Used Ibotta app to save on other needed items.
7. Used wax wraps and bowl covers to skip the use of plastic wrap.
8. froze the last of the tomatoes from the garden to use later.
9. picked up sewing machine in repair shop and insisted they stand by tier warranty, saving $55.00
10. gave dog a bath rather than take him to groomers
11. opened makeup given to me by Sluggy so I did not have to buy, see she is useful
12. found $.35.00 a dime and a quarter for my pig bank.

What did you do this week to save money?

Remember the little thinks do add up.

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.



  1. See how useful I am? you make-up and teaching you Ibotta ins and outs! Maybe I am worth having around. ;-)

    Enjoy your freezer and your trip later this week.

    1. You are so useful, what a friendship, she is useful you know? I love you more than my luggage.....

  2. I miss having a freezer for sales! I miss mine since it tore up with two turkeys and so much meat.

  3. Time with children and grandchildren is the best! Enjoy.
