Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Wednesday, Happy Halloween

     Halloween was always my favorite Holiday.  I think I trick or treated into college.  I was always small enough to get away with it.  I just loves me candy what can I say?  Unlimited sweets, any child's dream.  It was a fun holiday.  I think it is way over blown now.With our consumer economy we can really ruin almost anything.

     Now I wonder again who is going to buy all that leftover crap at all the stores.  the candy can be consumed but the crap?  Well I know I don't buy it.  I live in a small community.  We have maybe three large stores, K-mart, Wal-mart, Shopko and then a rite-aid and a Walgreens plus a few grocery stores.  They all have one or several aisles devoted to this holiday.  They will still be full after this evening.  It amazes me.  Every year it amazes me.  Someone has to buy this stuff for them to keep making it.  (I would think)

      We have the littles today until 2p.m. then I will go teach at 4:00 until 5:00 classes are shortened so the kids can trick or treat.  I will take candy to class.  Then it will be home to sew for a while.

     Yesterday I worked in the yard again for 2 hours.  I basically just trimmed ivy walls and the wisteria.  I also did major clean up in about 1/2 the garden.  All that bending over got to my back so I only did 1/2.  I will have to spend a couple hours just picking up what I have trimmed and loading into the truck.  I love to get outside and this was so nice.  The sun was shining and it was about 60.  I have not done much trimming since mom moved in and the yard is really overgrown in several places.  It is much harder to bring it back when you have neglected it.  So I will be paying the price.

     I really do think we will sell this house once it is paid for so keeping the yard up is a must for a good sale price.  We did not even start the pond this year.  I am thinking of filling it in but then I think just clean it up and run it next year, as a water feature also adds to the sale price and our pond is beautifully landscaped.

     I did not get any cookies or cupcakes made yesterday as my back was bothering me.  You know Hub's office can wait for cookies.  I called a woman in our church who makes cupcakes for a living.  I ordered/asked her to deliver 2 dozen to the church.  I know what a waste of money but it gives her money and I thought of it as a donation.  I am trying to cut back aren't you proud of me?

     I just did a little sewing yesterday only about 4 items and I sat and ripped many garments to be sewn while I watched tv with a heating pad on my back.  We had leftovers for dinner. So after I teach I can do a little sewing.

     Tomorrow I will have to sew to keep up and get things out.  I have really enjoyed not going right into the shop this week.  I am just trying to think about what I want to do. This is hard for me as I am so devoted to bringing in money.

     Grocery adds came out this week for Holiday sales.  All I really will stock up on this year is flour and sugar.  Mom was such a prolific baking nut that I have more than enough for this years baking.

     Do you have any plans for Halloween?

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are int he negative.



  1. I plan to stay home and answer the door tonight. We get a lot of little spooks (about 75) so TheHub and I have a scrappy dinner and oooh and aah at all the costumes. I always try to guess who they are dressed as but I am so tragically unhip and out of the demo that I have no idea.
    About buying the cupcakes___sometimes you just have to put a value on your time. You can make more cupcakes another day but you can't buy additional minutes. The investment for time is priceless.

    1. I know and the woman was so thrilled to get the business. Win, win!

  2. I had a very productive day. Well, for me anyway. I have RA so cleaning is usually really hard for me but I had been down with a nasty sinus infection for a week and when you don't clean for a week with 5 dogs and a husband things get out of hand pretty quickly. SO this morning I prayed and asked the Lord for strength to clean my house and boy did He give it to me! I was actually able to get my entire house cleaned including the bathrooms in three hours. That NEVER happens. All I have left is to wash my kitchen floor which I'll do tomorrow. As for tonight? I"m pooped and yes, very very sore but, happy. Sadly, we don't get any kids for Halloween. The Churches do the Trunk or Treat for them and so parents take the kids there. Cant really blame them with todays society. I feel bad for them though they are missing out on the joy we had as kids being able to walk the neighborhoods etc.. I hope your back feel better tomorrow and I"m right next to you with the heating pad! XO

    1. Isn't it nice when the beast allows you a day to be a normal person. But then you pay for it. Ra sucks that is the nicest thing I can say about it. What kind of meds are you on?

  3. We are getting a trickle of kids-26 so far and it's after 7:00, so I'm a little disappointed. I thought we would have been flooded since it is nice out between 6:30 and 7:30. I love Halloween as well.

    1. We only had two families the ones we care for and our nephews. We live on a steep hill with houses very far apart so our neighbor hood is not one to trick or treat in.

  4. I worked in the yard this week. All of the flower beds and garden are cleaned out. There are a few minor task and we will be set for winter. Great job on ordering cupcakes! I know it's not frugal, but sometimes saving your sanity is worth the cost.

    1. I have made a mess in my yard all week does that count?

  5. No trick or treaters in our little country home. It makes me sad. I told hubby last night that I want to move to where I can sit on the porch and pass out candy. :-))

    1. that would be fun, but i would be eating the candy

  6. We don't get the kiddos at our house either. Sad, because it is my favorite time of the year. I do agree, though, that it has become far too consumer driven.

    Happy to hear that you are making progress in not doing quite so much. Like Anne so wisely said. You can make cupcakes later. You can't buy additional minutes.

    1. I know hubby complained about not being able to take treats to his office and I said those men can wait a week for treats.

  7. I was going to say yesterday that maybe you should think about buying the cupcakes but I thought it might be none of my business ;) Sometimes you need to cut yourself some slack!

    1. Even though you are obscure you can always comment:)

  8. I am happy to see that you have slowed down a little and are taking some time for yourself. Also, I am loving the grocery store sales too. Next week's are the ones I will be shopping.

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