Thursday, March 19, 2020

Thursday, Anxiety is strong here

This was me or is me.  I don't know why?  Yes I have always been anxious, but I use my anxiety to work and keep moving.  When it gets really bad I shut down.   That was yesterday.  I did have a bad headache, but that could have been brought on by clenching my teeth and becoming over anxious.  I don't like feeling this way.  I don't like admitting that I am this way.

It really helped me to see the posts of people who cleaned out a drawer or organized a cupboard.  I need to see people doing normal things (Slug stay out of this).  I hope this feeling passes soon.

There is so much to do in my shop and I have no excuse not to work.

My new computer is done and I need to go get it, but I was frozen on that also.  I am afraid I won't be able to get things to work.  I guess I could call my nephew.

The sun is out and it will be 60 today so I will go for a long walk and that might help.

I also have a flower bed I can clean out.  That might help.

In the mean time, help me.



  1. I can come hold your hand. …? Will that work? I love and hate new technology acquisitions. I, too, worry I cannot make something on it work. Sewing was my go to stress reliever.

  2. you boomers are shutting down the entire economy because you're afraid of a flu. Seriously, can you boomers kill yourselves? You are the most selfish generation to ever exist. You don't give a shit about climate change, why should we young people give a shit if you get sick and die of some virus? I HOPE the virus gets much stronger and kills you all.

    1. The virus is affecting young people too,so be careful of your karma

    2. What a despicable horrible thing to say Anonymous - no wonder you are Anonymous. I agree with Debbie - be careful of Karma - it can come round & bite you on the bum!

    3. It's spam-most bloggers are getting his fun and same message. Not worth responding to.

    4. Anonymous,
      I can only assume that not only are you young but that you are really ignorant. Baby Boomers worked for what they got. Do you? They cared deeply about this world. Do you? Then, why are you wasting air? Obviously you have no moral center or you would not be suggesting people kill themselves or wishing they died. Well, I am going to take out the trash.

    5. I got this same troll comment TWICE! I guess this is how trolls calm lashing out at anyone who blogs.

  3. Hope you're feeling better soon. This is a very unsettling time for most people.

  4. Hello my friend,
    Please know you are not alone.
    This helps me.


  5. I find that just keep on doing the normal helps. Turn off the news - they aren't going to give you any better news today. Just go on as always on the home front. It helps so much. Enjoy a bit of sunshine as well.
    We are all dealing with this - you aren't alone.

  6. just taking it one day at a time - ((hugs))

  7. Breathe right down deep into your gut Kim. And then blow it slowly out your nose & imagine all the bad stuff being blown out. This always helps me & also gets oxygen to your brain. Take care my friend - & delete that horrid Anonymous comment above !!!

    1. There always has to be an idiot out there that tries to make things worse.

  8. I guess being up to my neck and trying to ease everyone eases worry is keeping my anxiety at bay.

    1. You are lucky my dear and such a blessing to others.

  9. Hang in there! I think the vast majority of people are NOT used to being house bound for days on end. It doesn't both me so much because I grew up on a rural farm where it wasn't unusual to go days or even weeks without going into town. Keeping busy keeps your mind off being bored (or in this case, worrying about the pandemic!).

    1. Well I do have enough to keep me busy, now just have to do it!

  10. I am a 2-time cancer survivor, and I must say, I am quite calm. It's perspective, I guess. What I have learned is that NONE of us knows what each day will bring, so it is important to get up each day and say, "This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it." Anxiety and worry does not change ONE SINGLE THING. Yes we want to be prudent and do sensible things to protect ourselves, but ultimately everything is in God's hands and He is in control. Rest at ease in that.


  11. I can relate - I have some serious anxiety as well. But for different reasons.

  12. you boomers are shutting down the entire economy because you're afraid of a flu. Seriously, can you boomers kill yourselves? You are the most selfish generation to ever exist. You don't give a shit about climate change, why should we young people give a shit if you get sick and die of some virus? I HOPE the virus gets much stronger and kills you all.

  13. I echo Cheryl's comment, I only have the news on for the headlines , five minutes at most then switch off and get on with my day, doing things I know I can do that will definitely benefit me e.g. cleaning, cooking, gardening etc. It's natural for anyone with any sensitivity or imagination to feel anxious right now, but us women can let those feelings pass and then get up and get going!
    Good wishes from JP in the UK

    1. Thanks, the news does good things and bad things.

  14. Hi Kim, Make friends with your anxiety, accept the fact she is going to stop in, uninvited of course, have a rational chat and then open the door and kick her out and DO THE NEXT THING THAT NEEDS DOING. Stay busy and stay focused. Do something nice for yourself. Read a chapter of a nice book, pray for one person each day, bake, plant and sew ( i envy your skills). When we feel anxious, it weakens our immune system and it causes us to make mistakes. You can do it!!
    Barb in PA
    PS IN NO WAY, am I dissing anyone's mental health issue.

    1. Thank you. I am feeling better now, just had to have a break down.

  15. bunw1125.... this is exactly how my daughters that have the same issues handle the unwelcome visitor.

    I approve all my comments otherwise you would be seeing a lot of hate, anger and "give me your money" spam on my blog.

    I told Hubby I think I am going to do a daily post of what I decluttered etc daily on my blog.

    1. Yes the trolls do not bother me I feel sorry for them. You however are helping me my friend.

  16. I'm sorry to hear about this Kim. I hope that you'll feel better soon.
