Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Tuesday, So what are you doing?

     Well this is the pile and there was also more hanging and in bags on the floor.  IT was a little over whelming and still is.  But I got a good start on larger outdoor items that were and are taking up too much room.  It was hard to sew for a longer period as I had a lot of church work to do, with trying to schedule meals and actually find the family that had just had a baby.  Took a while to get that all sorted out.

    So my knock out goals for the day were completed!  Yeah!

1. I called my Sissie and had a talk and did not feel guilty or rushed as I sometimes do because I have so many interruptions and work on my plate.

2. I was able to get a meal into  the family that had a baby and get meals set up for the next two days.

3. I was able to knock out a good amount of work in the shop.

As you can see from the picture I was able you get some larger items done and reorganize things to make it more workable. 

Today I have been to physical therapy and I do think my back is getting better.  I am almost afraid to say it, as I have thought it was better in the past and then bang I am down again.

My knock out duties for today are as follows.

1. talk to my Sissie.  I already have and she said she was talking to her sofa, and she thought the sofa was talking back.  I told her to put the bottle down.

     Sluggy is not participating in the challenge correctly as she is eating peanut butter cup liquor drinks. and I think she and Sissie are out to derail my plans.  We will ignore these two.  They are not helping.

2. I need to get more sewing done and clean the shop.

3. I am having a couple over for St Patties dinner.  We will have an avocado and blood orange salad, corned beef and cabbage and new red potatoes, soda bread, and a pistachio dessert.  Then we will play cards and other revelry.

4. this will involve actually cleaning out the back hall by the shop which is full of paint supplies and things that need to go to storage. It has been on my list for a month.  I will be happy to see this cleaned up and it will be a job.  I will post pictures tomorrow.

So this involves some work.  I have to run to Lil sis's house for her round table and chairs.  I have to go make the dessert and get the soda bread made.  Put the corned beef onto boil.  Then set up the family room downstairs for dinner.  One of the people coming over is 92 and can't get up the stairs, but he is sharp as a tack.  I think they will be really isolated soon with his age and health problems.  So getting them out now will help cheer them and us up.

Some St. Patrick's Day Good news!  Our Youngest daughter is having a BOY!  So that will make 4 grandsons.  We are over the moon happy.  Now waiting for another month to see what out middle daughter will have.  We are blessed.

Well I had better get to work. 

Have a great and productive day staying positive  while  you are in the negative.



  1. Dear Kim,

    Would you please share your recipe for the avocado and blood orange salad?


  2. Well, I spent about 30 minutes trying to figure out how to get a picture of my sewing closet off my laptop to you, so I could show you what I needed to do on my quilt. Then I decided to sit down and assemble the blocks--45 minutes later the blocks are all completed. Now I have to press them. *BLECH* Oh well, at least it will keep me warm. With the air so dry here, it feels much cooler in the house than it really is, but I refuse to raise the thermostat. Come March, I turn it down one degree each day, until we hit 64 during the day. (It drops to 60 at night.)

    1. Good for you, See we are getting things done that we have wanted done for a long time. Sometimes computers just don't cooperate.

  3. I flunked the contest today. I started the day off at Mom's per usual, had to run pick up her meds, buy gas (gosh, it's cheap here now), run to the store because the sitters can't seem to make a complete list and think I should go every day, start in the laundry room, answer about 5 FaceTime calls then start online school with Pip. All this in between talking off and on all afternoon to Son3 who was debating leaving NYC and heading south or waiting it out there. I quit on the laundry room which will still be a mess to clean tomorrow.

    1. Well I got no sewing done, but many other bothersome things. and you spent time with pip which is by far the most important. So today is a new day!

  4. I carry a shopping bag out to the car with water, juice, and things I need for the trip to Cullman. Then, I bring it in each afternoon when we return home and have mail and other stuff in it. I cleaned that out this afternoon and it is lighter and the trash is heavier.

    To spare my cooking, we picked up free lunch at a church and had it for lunch at the lake and for dinner tonight, so I did not have to cook!

    I got two loads of stuff washed. Well, Tommy took it for me since for some reason my knee hurts. And, most of it is hung up to dry.

    Did I do this right?

    1. You did great! Got things done that were nagging you.

  5. Monday I decluttered the bedroom, laundry room and bathroom. I started gathering cleaning supplies for Daughter 2 that is coming Sunday. I decluttered north and south lofts while doing that.

    Today I was carrying 2 cu ft of garden soil down the stairs and my right knee gave out so I won't be carrying the potting soil in a bigger back up the stairs. Hubby said he would do it when he got home this evening. I cleaned out the 3 frigs and did the laundry as usual.

    Tuesday laundry is done, dishwasher unloaded and reloaded. got 2 deliveries and an Amish neighbor on the other side stopped to use the phone. Hubby stopped in for lunch between 2 extra loads he picked up.

    Can't attach my pics of what I am working on today so they are on my own blog
