Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Thursday, Thrifty Thursday, another chart!


I completed another chart and will be lucky if I get one more filled by the end of the year.  Last year I was able to fill 24 of these charts, so covid and the move have really affected my savings goals.  Hopefully next year will be better.  But I am happy that I have done this much.

I still need to get into the shop and clean it, but so far have not talked myself into the job😀

Today both hubs and I are going up to daughters to help with Oliver who seems to have a bad case of colic.  I guess he cried most of the morning after he ate.  They have tried different formulas and tomorrow we are going to try gripe water.  I let my youngest B suck on a peppermint stick when she was a baby as she was colicky. B has had him to the doctor and they can find nothing wrong.  My eldest daughter's second son was very colicky for months.

We finally had some decent grocery prices this week and I did some stocking.  This is how I keep my grocery budget as low as I do. I am always looking for ways to save money.

Thrifty Thursday:

1. Made all meals from scratch and ate at home.

2. Put all my loose change in my pig bank.

3. Used coupons at Joanns passed savings on to me and charged the client.

4. Added $50.00 to my $5 dollar bill savings up to $365.00

5. Cut up my Halloween pumpkin and roasted it and then froze for pie later.

6. Found coupons in Sunday paper that corresponded with in store coupons to get canned vegetables for .25 a can.

7. bought peas, corn and green beans  for lowest season price so bought 12 cans of each

8. Stocking butter at $1.47 a pound this week will go everyday as limit to one a purchace

9. earned a Turkey for only $3.50 out of pocket  gave to Bishop as I had no room and we already have our Turkey in the freezer.

10. Onions and potatoes are super cheap right now so bought  enough to get through Christmas. Usually we go down to Southern Idaho and pick these up for little to nothing, but with covid not going.

11.Went to rite aid and bought a few things I really needed and earned 9.00 in bonus cash I will use before Christmas, probably on black Friday.

12. I went to 5 different stores today to get the lowest prices on many items.  We live in a very small town so gas is not an issue.

13. Bought some groceries in Washington to save on tax.

14. Used a $10.00 of $50.00 or more at Winco lowering my bill on the canned veggies I bought.

What did you do this last week to save money?

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.



  1. Sounds like quite a good day. Congrats on another chart.

    1. Thanks Cheryl. Shopping like that takes time and planning, but sure saves money!

  2. Last week and this week are my butter stock up weeks. Its 1.79 a pound here and the lowest I can find with a limit of 6. TheHub rides by that store everyday on his way home so he is snagging some for me along with the two times I will visit them this week. I try to get enough for the year. Son3 calls the shelf in the freezer where they live "Butter Mountain"

    1. This is the time of year to stock up and I will try and get enough to last the year.

  3. Unsolicited advice here--Mama had five babies who could not take Similac, had colic. That was what the doctor wanted us to take. On her own she changed us to SMA and we did not have colic. Worked for my three. Maybe... I am leery of the soy formulas.

    1. He was much better today. We started him on Aunties breast milk in the morning.

  4. Awesome job on the frugal savings! We had two babies who just never slept, & cried a lot. It turned out the both had very, very small ear canals (genetic in our family) & had recurring ear infections for the first year. Until we could get ear tubes put in (at 1 year), neither of them slept for more than four hours at a time. The boys are 13 months apart, so I'll let you do the math on how long it took for us to get 8 hours of sleep (hint: 2+ years ;-)). I do not miss those sleepless days at all. Miss the snuggly baby phase, but was so very exhausted that it was hard to enjoy.

    1. Wow thanks I will tell daughter to have this checked. Although Oliver does sleep well at night. Today was better, I had him drink breast milk from his aunt.

  5. I like Anne's butter deal better as she can get 6 at a time. I wouldn't step foot in a sore multiple times for butter. Seems odd to have such a low amount-I could see 2 bu tnot a limit of 1. Someday Ill have to figure out your chart savings. I agree that you should keep the savings at Joann's. You already jump through hops for your clients.

    1. I like Annes butter deal better also. Here there is a limit of one. per day. I just go in and out with a mask and gloves.

  6. do not lay him down for 30 min after feeding. Nor give a pacifier. When my parents changed to this and I did it for my own and had Amish neighbor due it for the last baby she had (first to have colic out of 9) it helped a lot. Might want to also raise the head of his crib so his head is higher than his tummy

    1. Thanks that might also help. I will tell both daughters.

  7. My kids and grandkids all had colic. The thing that helped us is using Lactose free formula and or we used goats milk. Hope it gets solved for you. Good on you getting another chart done. Jean

  8. I read your blog all the time but do not usually comment. I laughed when you made the comment, way back, near the beginning of Covid, about your daughter saying the courthouse smelled better. I am a prosecutor also. Our courthouse smells like lysol, or bleach, constantly now, but it irritates my nose. I went to BYU for undergrad, and read with interest that your bishop had folks over 60 attend church occasionally since Covid. I was in a little bitty branch, but recently transferred my membership up to where I am on weekends, to be near my oldest, who has health issues. I have yet to go to that ward, which was actually my home ward as a teenager. I am a bit hesitant. Covid is so bad at work in the southern part of the state, I just do not want any more exposure, especially to my son. Your grocery prices are cheaper than mine. I can only find canned vegetables at 50 cents a can. My oldest had terrible colic 30 plus years ago. Similac did not work but Isomil ( I cannot remember the spelling ) did. My younger three did not have a colic problem but did have terrible ear infections all the time.

    1. You go girl. Do you get any flack from church members for being a prosecutor? I mean do you feel that you threaten women of men with your education? I am just interested as daughter caught a lot of grief because. of her education up here in Northern Idaho. Covid is getting bad here and we are just so careful.

    2. Women are expected to be very educated and strong in the deep South. I think it is a cultural thing, so generally not. I did have a terrible time with religious prejudice for a few years in an isolated, rural, very protestant corner of the state, with folks talking about us, saying we were not Christians, and the fact that I am divorced with four kids just added another layer of gossip. My former boss there was a part time protestant preacher, it was a nightmare. I attended his church, trying to assimilate, and I just could not fit in. I left and moved back to area where I lived before, and started attending our denomination again. No one cares here, My boss is great and I have worked for him for almost ten years. I am 60, have worked all over Mississippi and Alabama for a total of 33 years. I did have an issue with folks giving me a hard time at BYU (this was 1981) asking why I wanted to be a lawyer. My bishop at BYU was an obgyn and he was so delighted I was getting ready to go to law school. He told me to do it because I would be able to support my family. His advice has served me well. I attended law school in Mississippi. My law school class in the 80’s was made up of a third women, so it was not a big deal here. I think I would have had a different experience in Utah or Idaho in the 80’s. I am so sorry your daughter is going through this and it is still happening out there. Tell her to apply and come on down, we would love to have her! We are used to strong women down here!

    3. Where I work now is very diverse, religious, racial, sexual orientation, etc. She would fit right in here.

    4. She is doing great where she is, but during those trying to get married years it was tough, as no LDS boy would touch her. She is smart, beautiful and talented, but I guess they wanted uneducated wives. She did marry #3 in her class and he converted but is no longer active. We still love him to death. I am 62 and as you have read my husband had a really hard time supporting a family. He just chose a field that was very low pay and then did nothing to try and climb, so we lived in extreme poverty most of the time. I wanted to work full time but my in laws put such pressure on me and no one in the church here worked. If you did you were ostracized. I am so glad things are changing. I encourage all young women to get a good education for that very reason. You never know when you will have to support yourself or your family. I always had to be the major bread winner and did it, by working several odd jobs. Almost killed myself.

  9. Lots of thrifty pursuits happening at your house. Good for you.

    God bless.

  10. My youngest son had colic really bad for several months Kim - it is a horrid thing & you end up walking the floor with them for many hours. I hope it improves - yes the gripe water was good I seem to recall.

  11. Hope little Oliver feels better.
    Congratulations on the new chart and the savings.
