Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Wednesday, Getting things done, in spite of me!

 Nathan came last night and helped hubs hang this canning shelf that Lil sis's boy friend made for his late wife.  He was cleaning out his basement and asked Lil sis if I would want it and I was thrilled to get it.  It is level just looks funny with the backing boards on the wall. The two freezers belong to our friends who are trying to get a shop built on a piece of land so they can take them back and have someplace to put them. I can't wait to wash it and start to transfer food storage to it.  

One of my goals is to go through all the food and get it separated as to what needs to be eaten right away.  We have long term storage and short term storage and I will eat some things past their date. Not two or three years, but you know with in reason.  I was so inspired by this, that last night after I finished sewing about 9 p.m. I came into the kitchen and decided to clean out the fridge which was on my list for the month.

I had gone to that food bank up in Washington at the end of the day and picked up quite a bit of fresh food that was needing to be eaten.  In fact one of the workers was sorting zucchini to take to her chickens.  So I am happy to report at least they are allowing some of the things not claimed to be made into animal feed. They had packages of frozen organic chicken wings, something I would never buy, but as they were going to be thrown away I took them, along with a lemon  pie. Who says no to pie? But I digress, I had a counter full of food to be put away and most of it fresh.  My fridge was a stye and has needed to be gutted for a while.

As I had to freeze many things, I looked at that freezer that had melted who knows what in the bottom and I decided to clean that also. This job has desperately needed done for months. Okay so I gave the mouse a cookie.

If you look at that plate and that bowl, you will see foods that need to be used in the next day or two.  I came across some frozen cheese, egg whites and chicken in the freezer, so I put them on a plate and the bowl has veggies that need to be cooked up.  I will get these used in the next couple of days. I am thinking a quiche of some kind and some chicken enchiladas.  Plus a couple of good salads as I have a load of veggies.

This freezer was so disgusting.  When I put hot water in the bottom of it, the sludge smelled awful, like dead rotten meat.  It was fine until it melted.  I do believe fudge sicles were involved and other sundry melty things. SO gross.  But here I found a few things I thought I could use up and those are on the plate. I got this idea from Cheryl at Cheryl's Frugal Corner.  She is full of great ideas to use up old food.  I will use the same technique when I do the outdoor freezer and the food storage.  But that is for another day. I went to bed at 11:30 tired and happy.

I just had another wedding dress leave and I am down to one left hat I have not started.  I also have 9 bridesmaid dresses plus the piles. I have a Marine dress blue that came in and I forgot that their ball is in November so I have to put that on the calendar.

I want you to know that I did get the curtains done they took me a 1/2 an hour, but were big and bulky and a pain.  They were picked up this morning.

Hubs and I are going up to daughter's house at 2 as Nate has to work and we need to pick Schmills up from school and then he has soccer practice. I hope that the weather is nice enough for us to take Kelsa out in the stroller and walk the track while Will has practice. We will stay there until about 9 when daughter gets home from teaching.  It is a 12 hour day for her, and this way the kids are in bed and she can collapse.

SO today I want to:

1. clean up the kitchen (residue from cleaning fridge and freezer)

2. hem a bridesmaid dress

3. hem a bridesmaid dress

4. hem a bridesmaid dress

We will see what I can get done before we leave.

By the way Mother in Law is doing better. I HOWEVER HAVE A BAD HEADACHE TODAY. May have to take something for it.

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.



  1. I'm still coming across items my daughter brought home this summer that I threw in the freezer. I'm glad your chicks will eat well

    1. Yes those oldy but goody things you wrapped up for later, and you think when did I put this in there?

  2. So happy you got the curtains done!!! I am glad to have inspired you to use up the old stuff. We really need to be more mindful - I know I sure should be.
    Sounds like you got some great goodies!

    1. I did Cheryl, and I do love your posts, you have taught me so much.

  3. Yeah on getting those curtains done and picked up.

    Working on using things up here as well. Seems like a never ending job some weeks.

    God bless.

  4. Nice freebie! You can never have too many shelves for storage!
    I am trying really hard to use our stored foods, but am also eating banana peppers by the handfuls. They will not quit producing and I still have about 50 in the crisper.

  5. I really like those shelves! A woman wanted me to make country curtains. Remember those with really full ruffles and made of muslin or something?

    1. I remember those. My sister inlaws had them on every window and each window was like $300.00 this was 30 years ago. Their kids didn't have enough socks, and they only had 6 forks for 10 people, but by golly they had those damn curtains on every window. More money was spent on home decor and dried flower wreaths than they spent on their kids. I was disgusted and never had a curtain like that.

  6. Look at you getting things done! Glad you got those curtains finished.

  7. Doesn't it feel so good to have things organized and tidy? The shelves will give you a lot of extra storage space.

    1. It will be wonderful when I can get things all organized.

  8. That is a very nice canning shelf. It was nice of him to give it to you. Glad you were able to get your curtains finished.

  9. You are making great progress! I'm with you on needing to use things up & clean things out. I always feel that way, so somehow it never seems to work. ;-) The only time our freezer was truly close to empty was when we had no kitchen - every possible frozen leftover was used up during that time period!

    1. It makes you wonder, but I also think if we didn't have anything out away in freezers we would or should all panic.

  10. Hi - I’m here and reading a few blogs. Life is just almost overwhelming for now

    1. Oh good. I was worried about you. I wish you were close so I could help with the overwhelm. Hang in there it will get better.
