Monday, February 5, 2024

Monday, I am going to do this

 I am so behind.  I am a behind. I need to get the behind busy.  

I think this belongs on a pillow.  Where is my embroider kit?

Anyway, I am determined to get things done this week, and I doubt I can catch up, but I am certainly going to try.

I did get tickets booked for Hawaii and paid way more than I wanted to for them, so I have to work hard and get the money together before the CC bill is due.

Now that is a motivation. Our middle daughter Signe' is closing on another house today, so it will be crazy this next couple of weeks dealing with that.  

Plus, Will has tournaments. I have wedding dresses that are due out this week.  No chance of getting a lazy day here.

Braunwyn just called and needs a sitter for Oliver on Saturday, so I will have to bring him down to spend the night as I have a weekend bride.  Which is unusual? But good friend of mine from church and her daughter will be in town just for the weekend.  Kim to the rescue.

I was able to take 3 mile walk on the levy with the dog yesterday it was sunny and beautiful.  But I noticed he was limping this morning.  Those short little legs of his. 

Well, I am off to set a timer and see what I can get done. What are you guys doing this week. Please do not list anything fun as I get jealous, and my unicorn quits working and just sits in front of the mirror combing his mane.



  1. I get it. My life has revolved around what pet needs accomodations, what anxiety has surfaced with my kids, or what someone at work has decided is this weeks priority. Good thing the animals give me more in return than my effort requires of them. But please, Kim, it is ok to say no. Your daughter buying a house can't disrupt your ability to pay your bills, and I doubt she's asking that anyway.

    1. You are so right. They (the kids) are really good about trying not to overload me. Clients not so much.

  2. You sound happy! Busy, yes, but happy. Sounds to me like you are doing just fine. xo

  3. I am kind of going to agree with Cheryl and Sam here. You need to do your thing and anything else needs to work with your time. Not vice versa

  4. I am having a mammogram on Tuesday, so I am sure your unicorn does not envy me. Take care of Kim first right now.

  5. Please take care of yourself, both mentally and physically! No one expects you to be the energizer bunny- you’re no good for anyone or anything if you overdo it! Xo, Ricki

  6. I agree with Cheryl, Sam and Anne. You do you and let the others do themselves. But we know you, Kim to the rescue! You are such a good person, Kim.

  7. I was asked to run an event at the school, and it's taken up part of my life. It will be done in a week, and I'm ever so happy.

    But, boundaries are good! Make sure you're talking to your kids so they can best understand your schedule & how much you can tradeoff while still working & having balance.

    1. Oh my what is balance? I remember those school event and happy they are over for me.

  8. Busy bee as usual I see. Really nothing "fun" happening here. I am going to be getting ready for a heavy snowfall starting at some point today.

    God bless.

  9. Hawaii sounds fabulous! I'm going to visit my racist, redneck brother-in-law and my sadly dementia-addled mother-in-law - absolutely NOTHING to be envious about. :)

  10. Well I am turning down work right and left. I sure hope it helps!
