Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Wednesday, The rack is done!

 Have you ever had this problem?  I suffer from it terribly and it gets me into trouble.

Finally got that rack done for model.  Love that kind of creative sewing but it takes so much out of me.  I was exhausted and headachey after she picked up.

I am working on piles today and then onto wedding dresses. I also turned away two jobs yesterday, I just don't have the time for things that aggravate me, like putting zippers in sweaters.....

Kelsa is due in later today.  I have to take her to dance and then she will stay the night.  She just loves her Great Aunt Anne.  They are so cute together.

I am watching my friend's little dog, and she is so cute. Like a little black and white furball. Roscoe just ignores her.  Unless I am petting her and then he is jealous, so he is right there.

Anne in the Kitchen, was on me to raise my prices and I have on wedding dresses, and no one has batted an eye. This is why need our bloggers friends.  They look out for us.



  1. You probably need to increase all your prices - when was the last time you did that? You deserve every dime you make and more. That is such a tedious job, very few can do.
    Glad you are making progress.

    1. I always see what I do as easy and then I have to talk myself into charging more.

  2. I also support the raise your price plan! As long as you have more work than you want to do, there is room to increase your price! Hilogene in Az

  3. Still waiting on that phone call...........

  4. Way to go on getting the rack finished. I agree with Cheryl, in that you should probably raise all your prices.

    God bless.

    1. I know and it is hard for me, but on wedding dresses for sure

  5. I never charged enough, one of my regrets.

  6. Yes, our blogging friends do look out for us. I love that. :)

    1. It is the greatest part of my life. Like all these cheerleaders behind us.

  7. I am so glad you did raise your prices. If anyone had the skills to do their own wedding dress alterations, they would do them. If not they will pay gladly to have them done by someone with the skills and know-how to do them. You go !!!!!
