Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Going down memory lane

 Kay here and it is the 10th of September.  The picture I am attaching is in Kim's Shop and it is of her putting the final touches on her middle daughter's wedding dress.  I had these made about 11 years ago from an old ad that Sissy found from a Singer sewing machine magazine.  I hope you can read it!

Sissy has slept horribly the past several days and is not feeling well, so I spent the night last night to make sure I could get her to sleep, and sleeping she is!  Finally.

I woke many times last night to listen to her breathing beside me and she was indeed sleeping, probably from exhaustion.

Now I am not a great believer in catching up on sleep, once lost hard to regain, but having experienced insomnia many times in my working life (always from stress) I have learned many sleeping techniques that work for me.

I took her cell phone away from her!  Quite your brain Sissy, breath in and out and focus on your breathing, relax every muscle in your body (this takes time and practice).  When doing this I can no longer feel my hands or feet, they have sunk into the mattress, and I fall asleep.  Too much stimulation before bed can really be an issue.

I was up at five this morning and watched the sun rise and prayed on Kim's deck enjoying my three cups of coffee.  I then slowly made my way around the house and picked up last night's mess and have set up my sewing space in Kim's dining room.  I have a lot of mending to do today, as I got nothing done yesterday due to a small issue that could turn into a very large issue.

Yesterday morning...

Daniel and I are early risers and we like to have coffee outside on our back covered porch.  We knew when we bought the House that the property next door to us was abandoned, and it is in terrible shape.

I segue...

The property belonged to an elderly woman who has two sons in prison.  She passed away in 2012 in the state of Wyoming and Wyoming slapped a lien on the property for 95 thousand dollars for medical bills.  The house has been vacant since and is falling apart.  She is a beautiful old craftsman with great lines but.... it is tied up.  

As soon as we purchased the House, we made the rounds of the neighborhood to introduce ourselves and ask about the property and got an ear full.  But has anyone tried to do anything about it? NO!

Well, they don't know me, and I am going to take action.

Yesterday morning continued...

Dan and I are on the back porch and Dan looks to his left and says, Oh Honey we have a problem and points to our tall fence next to the abandoned property. (At least we do not have to look at the mess)

The property has a large lean to building probably used for wood storage leaning against our fence and it is pushing our fence over as the roof has collapsed.  Now said property has no trespassing signs everywhere as it is dangerous, all windows broken out, gutters falling, ivy everywhere (which will destroy a home).

Our fence has an electrical conduit that leads to our detached garage.  If the fence comes down and it will this is a bad fire hazard.

So, I whipped out my camera took pictures and went to City Hall ay ten o'clock.  After being directed to four (yes four) different buildings blocks apart I finally got to the Office I needed to be at, and everyone was at lunch.  I explained the situation to the Secretary and She said someone would call me (like yeah) I knew that was not going to happen as I am sure others have complained since 2012.

Also, I did not fall off the turnip truck yesterday and living 36 years in the DC area has made me a bit jaded, but also politically correct and focused.  I would not leave until She gave me at least two phone numbers and email addresses of the Persons I needed to speak with.  I then called both left a very nice, detailed message and sent them the photos.  I then went to the power company and showed them the photos and they agreed that it was bad.  I then came up to Kim's (Dan is at Lil Sis's painting).  She was a mess, so I called Daniel and said I was spending the night with Sissy and to come up for dinner when He was finished.  Pulled a chicken pie and beef pie from the freezer for dinner (this is why I cook ahead) and my cellphone rang, and it was one of the Gentleman from the City.  He agreed to meet me at my property in 10 minutes and so down the Hill I went.  He took many pictures and knew very well about the property, but it is tied up because of the Son's and the Lien.  He agreed to get the city to take down the Shed.  (We shall see) ...

I may be making a trip to Wyoming...

Too be continued...

Now I must go wake Sissy as it is almost 9 O'clock.

As Rosanne Rosanna Dana used to say!  It's always something!

Hugs Kay

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Thursday, Down 4 more!


This is an image of my book of life on the left, but the actuality on the right.
Worried about Sluggy.  She is in hospital and may not be able to come. Please send prayers her way.  If she is not able to get out here, I swear Sis and I are going down there. That should scare her into getting well, I know it would me.

Sissie is in the other room sewing and I am blogging, (this is Kim) I have a wedding dress to hand sew lace onto and then one to hem.  Then only 3 more for Sept.  But they all 3 came in late so they get them late.  I swear if I lived close to Linda, I would deliver this dress and get her to hand sew on the lace.  Why should I get all the fun?

I have to pick up the Kids in Colton today and then Kelsa is going to spend the night.  It is Lil Sis's birthday so we will go over there with an ice cream cake about 7 and celebrate.  I think I am going to get the kids to go pick out a gift they think she would like just to see what they would choose.

I am so grateful to Sissie and Dan, they keep me going.  Dan is very helpful and well so is Sissie.  But Dan does not nag. (I am interrupting to tell you all I do not nag, I issue orders! Kay)

So, 4 wedding dresses out this week, and I am just plugging along. Then one came in for November this morning. But I have to say I think it is slowing down. Knock on wood, I hate to jinx it!

Saturday will be a Kay Day as I will be helping Sis at her house.  She has just been doing and doing for Lil Sis and I and her place gets neglected. 

Well, I am off to join the salt mine!


Kay Here!

Updates from last week as it is now Sunday afternoon.  I did get 18 egg rolls made finally, and they are delicious. Froze most of them.  I then thaw in fridge and bake off in oven and they crisp right up!  So now all I have to do is make fried rice and egg drop soup and I can put on a Chinese spread.  Most for the work is done.

I also made five miny Lasagna's and we had one and the others are in the freezer! Yummo!  A quick salad and a loaf of Italian Bread and dinner is made!

I did quite a bit of mending for Kim last week, and well it was just busy and now it is Sunday., where does the time go?

Kim did come to my house yesterday (Saturday) and helped Dan, and I hang quite a few things, so we are getting there slowly but surely.  WE are just trying to live with the space and deciding where we are going to put all the artwork we have collected over the years.  Our walls are plaster and lath, and one must be very careful when deciding where to put heavy artwork.

I am up at Kim's cleaning as Her Son-in Law is coming tonight and Kim is flat on Her back with vertigo, and She feels horrid.

When I called Her this morning (having no plans to come up the hill) She had completely forgotten.  So, I stopped what I was doing (as in my own ironing) and traveled up and She was up and running around like a wild Ape.  But we got a lot done and then She collapsed.  She was sweating like a pig and that is a bad sign and now I know she is not good. I am learning so much more about her illnesses and they just fly out of control.

I have made a decision that Dan and I will take Son-in Law to dinner.  I am tired and in no mood to throw together a gourmet meal or any meal for that matter.  I will bring Sissie leftovers.

We have a busy week ahead and I have so much to do as Dan and I are leaving Thursday for Montana and another wedding of a Great Nephew.

Will try and help Sissy all I can and keep you posted, must try and call Sluggy!



Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Tuesday, It's Me!!!!!

 I have been back for over a week but had so many wedding dresses waiting that all I did was sew and get yelled at by Sissie!

I have at least 6 more dresses to get out in the next two weeks.  It is hell I tell you Hell! It is a white hell, which is not how I really imagined hell would look.

Anyway, enough about me. The two 4 year old grands started school! Yes, full time school! Both were so excited.  Kelsa came home and told her mom about how much fun she had and immediately asked for a glass of milk and went to sleep on the couch.  The child that has been fighting naps for the last

6 months. Oliver started school today at the University preschool.  He was so excited.

This means that I will have much less time with them, which is good and bad.  They are growing up and I miss them as babies. It is so fun to see how excited they are to start school.  I know that won't last.

Sis and I have been working on the finishing touches to the bathroom and bedroom. We are almost done. I am loving it.

Had a great time at eldest's house.  Did not want to come home as I knew how much work was waiting for me. I sewed curtains for her and di a lot of yard work and slept and read.  It was wonderful.

I am still struggling with depression and grief.  It is much worse than it was the first year. But all I can do is put one foot in front of the other.

This is my new motto for life.
