Thursday, September 19, 2024

Another tragedy strikes

 Greetings from Kay as Kim is working like a crazy woman to get out of dodge.

On Monday evening we got a phone call from Lil Sis to come to her house right away and found out that her eldest daughter's husband of 42 years of age had passed away.  It was horrible.  We managed to get Lil Sis on a plane on Tuesday (no small task as getting out of this small town is next to impossible,) but we did it.

Kim and I made arrangements to fly today but things got complicated as our nephew in law had been in Hospital for 10 days when they took Him for a CAT scan his heart stopped, and they could not get it restarted.  As of Monday night, we were told there would be no autopsy (which really bothered me) but I was helpless.  We were told the Funeral would be Friday. 

We had so many wedding dresses to complete to get out of town and we worked and worked and worked.

Yesterday (Tuesday) we were then told there would be an autopsy for which we were very grateful, but the Funeral was to be next Wednesday, and we were booked to fly back on Tuesday.  Three hours on the phone with Delta and we got the tickets changed (which cost us a chunk of change but sometimes in life you just have to write the check) to leave Saturday and come back next Thursday. In the meantime, we are caught up and all dresses have been picked today we are trying to relax and pack.

Kim is on the sofa with a diet coke making lists, and phone calls to brides (whose weddings are coming up to let them know she is leaving town) Bride's call weeks ahead as they panic and must be reassured that their dress will be completed. Even though Kim keeps a rigid schedule Brides still panic.

I simply cannot believe we got all the work done but we are two very tired women.  I have what I call ironing arm, and it is very sore.  Those dresses are hard to steam and iron and bridesmaid dresses are worse.

WE still have so many unanswered questions and will find out more when we arrive on Saturday, and I am so hoping that the autopsy reveals something? I mean really after 10 days they should have known something was up but....

So, keep our Family in your prayers and I will fill you in when we return.




  1. Prayers going out for all of you. Your family has been through so much these past few years. So great that you all have each other to lean on.

  2. I'm so sorry to hear that. What a tragedy. Sending good thoughts to your family, and lots of virtual hugs. (Hawaii Planner)

  3. I rarely comment anymore but always read. I'm so so sorry- my heart breaks for your niece and whole family. It is not fair that your family has experienced so much sadness in such a short period of thime. Give Kim a hug from me.

  4. So very sorry for your loss and that of the family. Dath is hard to handle, let alone a sudden one, as we all know. Huge hugs and prayers for all. Safe travels.

  5. I am so sorry for both the deaths and for the bereaved relatives. I could have helped lessen the sewing load. But, I am glad your work is over and the brides will be happy and you can get out of town. I had panic-stricken clients, too.
