Monday, August 20, 2018

Monday, so tired, and Money saving madness

     My oh my having fun is exhausting.  I am just so tired I can hardly keep my eyes open.  Stayed up way too late yakking with my girlfriends. We did foot soaks and pedicures last night and talked and talked, and laughed and laughed.  So much fun.  I am not used to that kind of fun.

     I came home from church and made two pans of chicken enchiladas for girls and one to freeze.  hubs had left overs from the day before and he was happy.

     Our air quality is now at the hazardous level, so I am not going outside.  Woke up with a frog in my throat due to smoke and you can smell the air and fires. Visibility is bad out on the prairie. One of the perks of living out west.

     Money saving madness August 12th-18th 2018

1. Ate all meals at home, except those with girlfriends, I should say Hub's ate all meals at home.
2. Used pantry and freezer supplies to make two meals for guests.
3. Went to rite aid and used points to get two products for less that the price of one.
4. Used wax wraps and bowl covers instead of saran wrap or tinfoil.
5. Used coupons at Joanns for supplies
6. Picked and ate squash, tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes and corn out of the garden.
7. canned 5 more quarts of tomatoes.
8. Took all food scraps to the chickens.
9. Getting 4-5 pullet eggs a day from chickens.
10. ground wheat from storage and made 4 loaves of bread.  We tried to be better about over eating bread, but we love it for morning toast so I think I will do this again.  It really does save money.

What did you do to save money this week?

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.



  1. When we lived in the mountains, sometimes the Choctaws would burn off their lands, and even though they were way, way off, the winds would bring the smoke to my area. I would wake up and look out the door to see what looked like a Redneck London Fog. I often wondered if 'Bubba the Ripper' would come out of it, ready to attack with a sharpened pork chop bone. {{SHUDDER}} Glad you had fun, you have been needing to relax.

  2. You did well and I am so glad that you were able to have a wonderful time with your friends! That smoke sure is bad...I have been worried about you down there int he valley.

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