Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Wednesday, So what causes this?

     Yesterday, I was able to finish the pile and also get a small bridal alteration done and another bridal dress almost done.  I just have to add bustling hooks and buttons which I can easily do with the littles here.  I played a game with myself where every time I finished a clients things I would iron 5 items of clothing.  It worked well and I was able to finish 25 pieces of ironing,  Yeah!  Still have about 6 pieces left but I think that with our  summer (100% cotton)wardrobe that is and on going deal. 

    We turned the air conditioner on today because of the triple digit heat, I think it might help a little. 

     Anyway I had a really bad night with arthritis pain in my elbows and shoulders and my right hand is almost useless this morning.  Every finger is really swollen but the ring finger.  This is making it hard to get anything done.  I am trying to loosen it up but it is a slow process.  Now I am beginning to wonder if ironing had anything to do with the flare, because it is really bad.  I know repetitive motion can really do me in which is why I don't paint rooms and do big projects like that any more.  (I was a horrible painter anyway ,no loss).  I really dislike being limited in this way.  I just don't know.  It might be the hot weather coming on or the cold front that is supposed to come in on Saturday.  What causes these flares?  I know stress can do it as in after mom died.  But I don't feel stress right now I don't think.

     This kind of pain is exhausting and frustrating.  I know it will get better through out the day.  Even now typing I can feel the joints getting more fluid. Enough complaining. 

     I just want to be able to get into the shop and get a few small things done if possible.  I also have a sink full of produce I need to deal with and I would, like to maybe make some cookies. 

     Our second daughter has a friend who will be pinned at the nursing school today, so I am going to go to that ceremony this evening. Hubs has to work at the school so maybe blt's for dinner, I think I can dig up a tomato somewhere if I look:)

     I also need to pay bills and get the month done so I can relax and figure out what I can pay on my debt.

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.



  1. I've said it to DH over and over again.....housework is evil :)

    1. Great idea, he did take me out to dinner tonight:)

  2. Evil-Sue has that right, but unfortunately a necessary one.

  3. Kim, I just finished reading your blog from the very first post to the present day. It took me several weeks, and I was riveted the whole time. I'm in awe of your tenacity and spirit.

    I have to say that you are most definitely feeling stress right now. I've lost loved ones and, especially if you have been a caregiver, the shock and grief that follows is inevitable and pervasive. At a certain point it effects you so deeply that you're not conscious of it anymore. I know that you're like a shark, and must keep swimming (working) or die, but please try to cut yourself some slack over the next few months.

    1. Okay pardon me while I laugh right now, there are much better stories out there. You are probably right. I just panic when my hands don't work right.

  4. I can wear 100% cotton without ironing it. It looks cool...Okay, I made up that last sentence.

    You are probably stressed over my car wreck, ambulance ride, ER visit, and all the attendant drama.

    I don't have any signs of arthritis at all, but one day my left hand was aching. The next day, no pain. I still wonder what that was all about. Anyone who hurts like that every day has my abject sympathy.

    1. Well it is an ongoing problem and I do panic when I have a bad day.

    2. You do need hands that work!

  5. NO more ironing for you! I am glad you can work through the pain as the day goes by - does soaking them in warm water help at all and I'm not referring to the dishes in the sink!?

    1. It does help, but the best thing is just movement. Take it slow and steady.
