Saturday, December 14, 2019

Saturday, Hubs is pushing his luck and me

     I tried my best to get things done yesterday, but this cold kept eating away at my determination.  Getting my nails done was so painful.  When I get a virus it causes inflammation in my body and then my RA kicks in and every joint hurts.  My hands were especially tender and having someone work on them was not fun.  I just had to grit my teeth.  With all the painting ad cleaning my hands were a wreck.  Keeping the acrylic nails on keeps me from scratching around the cuticles and that leads to infections.  The last thing I needed on top of this cold was and infected hand.  So I endured the whole deal.

     Then as I was leaving the nail salon I ran a red light on the busiest street in our town.  Luckily I was able to avoid an accident, but I knew something was wrong with me.  After the horrid pain at the nail place and then to be so dumb while driving I went home to stay.  Turned out I had a fever which explains the sharp shooting pains in my hands and back.  I tried to rustle up a batch of crack chicken for Hubs party and took a couple of Aleve. After the fever broke we found a couple of white elephant gifts and I decided I could go as long as I stayed away and didn't hug anyone.  I know Hubs really wanted to see people and would not go without me.

     I slept the one hour drive there and I enjoyed seeing people but could not really eat or make conversation.  Then slept the one hour home.  I went right to bed and slept until 10 this morning.  My throat is raw and sore and I am still achy.  Now hubs says we need to go and check out a missionary apartment at noon.  What?  He needs to get his paper work in and this is the last apartment.  It has girls in it and he cannot go alone. I told him this was the last thing I was doing out of the house unless it was my choice. He knows he is pushing me beyond my limits so he went and bought me a Large diet coke at McD's.  Yes I can be bribed even when I am sick.

     Onto the good news.  I found a nickle in the parking lot at Winco yesterday and yes I was thinking of my Sluggy when I did.  I think she is my good luck charm.  I have to be conjuring her image in order to find money.  I was also shocked about the amount of money that was in my pig bank.  I thought I was going to have maybe $80.00 in there, but it turned out to be $178.00.  Woo Hoo!  That was a nice surprise.  I will use this to buy things for our annual seafood east on Christmas eve.

     So other then feeling like I have been run over by a mac truck things are going along quite well here.  I am slow oceaning  my way through my to do lists and today I will rest a whole lot more than normal.  The kitchen is a wreck and I am behind on laundry, but those two things may just stay as they are.......

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.



  1. So sorry you are feeling sick. Take the rest of the weekend off - you have my permission! Feel better - nothing worse than being sick during the holidays.

  2. I hope you feel better. We are in various severities of this cold, with eldest getting it, or at least suffering the most vocally from it.
    Today, as I was headed out of the supermarket, I found $0.37 in the Coinstar with one of the coins being a 1947 dime. It will go in youngest's Advent calendar tonight, for discovery tomorrow morning.

    1. The holidays are always so busy enjoy soon they will all be grown, well except for your Husband.

  3. I got nothing done because I felt as you do. I barely got out of bed, and when I did, nothing was accomplished. At least I don't have rheumatoid arthritis.

  4. Congrats on that nickel! Sorry you had the fever and the aches.

    1. I have found .6 cents this week so I am off my losing streak.

  5. I a sorry you are feeling unwell. As you know, not a great time for being run down. As Anne said-rest, rest, rest.

    1. Went to bed at 5:30 up at 10:30. It was wonderful.
