Friday, January 15, 2021

Saturday, Staying on task, maybe?

 I thought this was a fitting picture after yesterdays post. Thanks so much for the support.  I had nightmares last night that you all would think I was psychotic or something worse.

I just got a text from my daughter as I will be going up there this evening to spend the night with her.  She txt to asked when I was coming and to bring her some diet coke. Then the next txt was also for a donut.  Apple does not fall far from the tree.  She is alone again for the next week.  SO I will stay the night and she will come down here and stay for the rest of the weekend.  Which is great as we will have Schmills and Kelsa fun, which we will just hate. Maybe we can get in a few long walks.

Made a big pot of bean soup for dinner, yum.  That means I will not have to cook tomorrow. Yippee!

I was able to get my quota done in the shop today by setting my timer and guess what?  IT took less than an hour.  Went and picked up prescriptions, and a book of stamps to mail the remainder of the bills. SO nice to have that done and off my plate for the month.

Now I just need to concentrate on that $700 and something bill I want to pay off.  Need to figure how much I saved toward it.  The month is 1/2 over.  Only 16 more days left.  I need to get on the ball.

Lil sis is out of town for the week end so I will have to go feed her cats.  But other than that no big plans.  I am really craving scones.  I just might make a couple of batches tomorrow.  Cranberry? or blueberry?  Now I am hungry....

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.



  1. Diet coke, donuts, babies, and scones...all my fav things! Well, I do love Diet Mt Dew also. My kids scold me for drinking diet drinks so much. The diet drinks also have to have caffeine. I will not tell you how many cans a day I . Also....chocolate.......Cindy in the South.

  2. Do you use your many money stashes for paying off bills? If not, for what do you save them? I know you have said where they go, but I forgot.

  3. What mom's are for! I am pleased your timer tooll worked for you to focus.

    1. It helped and I think I will continue to use it especially in the shop.

  4. I need to use your timer method today as this week has been a cluster and nothing has gotten done :( have fun with your daughter and grandbabies. A diet coke and a donut sound so good right now....

    1. It really does work. Daughter must have really wanted a donut. I bought two and she ate both!

  5. The timer method sounds great. I may have to try it. You've now made me crave scones. I'm watching my calories more carefully right now, so it doesn't take much to trigger a craving these days :-)

    1. I made a chocolate cake instead of scones. Now I want scones.

  6. Enjoy your time with the babies.
    I pray your son in law stays safe. Please thank him on our behalf. Hopefully this nightmare will be over soon.

    1. I know it is so aggravating. No time off. Having to wear riot gear for 17 straight hours on your feet and the gear is like body armor weighing about 70lbs over all. He is so tired.

  7. mix the blueberries with cranberries. We do it all the time with our oatmeal.

    1. Made a chocolate cake instead but now I want scones.
