Sunday, May 23, 2021

Sunday, tired, playing grandma, messy house

 This is how I feel right now, but I would substitute grandchildren.  They come with so much stuff. Diapers in two sizes, bibs, burp clothes, lots of blankets, toys, a jumper and high chair an eating chair, don't even get me started on the garage.

Are they worth it?  Of course, bring on the mess, but when does grandma have time to clean up the mess? Well she doesn't.  Kelsa is here and I am going to take a nap.  I hope after her mommy picks her up this grandma will have the energy to clean this house so she can face the week.

Growing up in a very cluttered, and I am sorry dirty house, I am paranoid about letting my place get too bad.  I know I tried once I was in high school to help my mother as much as a could but it was a losing battle.  I don't want to live that way and it is getting there I am afraid.  Every room needs love and the floors are a wreck.

But I am sorry a nap is far more imprint to me right now.  Te Sabbath is a day of rest and I am taking that literally.

Do any of you have a thresh hold that you just don't want to pass when it comes to a dirty house?

Have a reastful and peaceful Sabbath.



  1. When my house gets bad I make sure that one area is clean. Ifocus on looking at it and ignore the rest.

    1. That is a comforting idea, and usually the formal front room, which is full of a baby grand piano and several,string instruments.

  2. It IS important to take a nap when you feel overwhelmed with everything Kim - your body will thank you for it. I find if my kitchen bench & dining table are cleared I can focus on the rest later.

    1. Well I got the nap, but not much cleaning, enough to make me not crazy.

  3. Naps do a body good...more than a Diet Coke I think. Nap away my friend....

  4. If I have a threshold I have not yet crossed it! (Ugh__the basement hovel) Nap and enjoy it

  5. You will feel so much better after your nap!

  6. I think I passed the threshold about ten years ago! Now, I struggle to get Nap! The best word in the dictionary for me. Just nap. I am horrified how I left my mother's house when we visited.

    1. Well at least my girls are helpful and will clean up after the kids.

  7. Like you, I grew up in a very cluttered, and often dirty house. I refuse to allow that to happen to my house, and I have a very low threshold for mess and chaos. I have a basic cleaning routine I follow every day to prevent that from happening. Some of my kids are better than others at keeping things tidy and organized, and my DH is a tough sell too. I give everybody one warning about things being mislaid, then they are on their own to finding them again. My pat responses to "where is such-and-such" are either "I'm sure it's wherever you put it last," or, "I'm quite certain I didn't wear/use it." I don't think they realize how lucky they are to be spared the situation of growing up in a house you were sort of embarrassed to bring people in.

    1. My husband is pig pen, and his mother's house was spotless, no taste and tacky but spotless.

  8. both my parents were perfectionists to the point of being cruel if the cleaning job you did wasn't up to their code. I wasn't as strict (ha ha) with my own but did battle two of the six that thought trash all over their bedroom was fine. Then found the older one had a pet mouse aka pack rat. WILD pack rat she even named it after her boyfriend's ex.... I have dust bunnies and no routine established in this new AKA 3 yrs home
