Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Wednesday, Funny photo

Here is a picture of Signe' visiting Jethelyn's office at the courthouse.  Yes, it is an old Jail cell, complete with a metal ladder that leads to a high window in case there is an active shooter.  Try climbing ladder during a drill when you are 9 months pregnant in heels.  You have to escape to the roof. I just came across this photo, and it made me laugh. My girls are all comedians.  Sometimes I have to make them leave the table when they start the shenanigans. Let's not even talk about their behavior at church. I swear I lost more religion than I gained getting those miscreants there.

My girlfriends husband passed yesterday afternoon about 5.  I am very sad for her and for myself, but I am also glad it is over for him.  The last night I spent with him he was talking to people who were not there.  He was whispering so I did not know who he was talking to.  But then he said in a really loud voice.  Not Yet!  I thought to myself, how nice to be given a choice.  He planned his funeral the next day. Hubs will play at his graveside service.

I sewed hard yesterday, and I still have two more dresses to finish for a bride that will come in tomorrow.  Plus, I bought the wrong zipper for one of my coats and had to return it.  I want to get that put in today and another few dresses done.

I had a young girl probably 18 in my shop late yesterday afternoon that has ordered a prom dress that had a slit that was so high it showed her underwear.  Nothing I did to try and correct the problem made her happy.  She pouted and stood in front of the mirror, while her mom danced around her, and I was trying everything I could think of to correct the problem.  Finally, after an hour of my time and her sour attitude, I told her I charged 50.00 and hour for my time and she had to make a decision.  Ungrateful little wench.  But I blame the mother allowing her to act like that. I wanted to slap her.  Have you ever had to deal with someone that was horribly rude and ungrateful when you are trying to help them?  Well besides your own kids and then you can smack em.

Made a batch of molasses cookies last night as I noticed that we went out less for a treat last week as we had cookies. Instead of say grabbing an ice cream we just ate cookies at home.  I had 4 this morning when they came out of the oven, so I have had my share for today.

Hub's is up watching Kelsa today and he is going out on his 4-wheeler with a buddy tomorrow.  So, I have no excuse not to get sewing done. But I am sure looking for a reason. 

Wel I am off to set my timer and get some sewing done.  But me just wants to waste time.  Me really does.

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.



  1. The courthouse jail photo….. lol. Cindy in the South

    1. Can you relate? I always laugh when I see her office.

  2. I was trying to help someone fill out an application. She complained that she never heard of needing a driver's license just to get a job, and why did I not tell her. She was annoyed she had to receive an email to see if they wanted to talk to her about an interview. Then, she got up from the computer in Lowe's and said in her outdoor voice that she could not believe Lowe's did not know about calling people on the phone. I tried to shush her since employees with clout could hear her. She told me in a mean voice I had not helped her at all.

    What was the girl upset about, her panties showing? She could have gone without

    She wanted to apply for the job of watering plants and did not believe that was not a job, just part of duties in the garden center.

    I still tried to help her and she screamed at me so loud that neighbors three blocks away could surely have heard her. That was the end for me. But, she decided to talk about me to people who believed her.

    Maybe we all have a choice, at least most of us. What instrument does your husband play at a funeral?

    1. Some people. He will play the violin or maybe the viola, not sure.

  3. So sorry for the loss of your friend - hopefully he is in peace now. My mom talked to and reached for someone just before her passing. It made me feel comfortable that 'someone' was waiting.
    I can't believe parents allow behavior like that in a business. She is the one who needed slapped!

  4. I'm so sorry for your loss. We know my dad talked to people his last days, and according to the hospice materials, very natural and calming to an extent. I know young girls have " a vision" about how they want something's to look, but if not possible, they think it should just snap like a polished Instagram photo! Brat.

  5. Funny photo! Sounds like your girls have a great sense of humor.
    Sorry about the loss of your friend.
    What a rude entitled girl. Hopefully her mom was embarrassed by her actions and she will get a talking to when she gets home.

  6. Hi Kim! You know, my daughter has a bridal shop, and she is amazed at how some young girls are when they come in for prom dresses. The way they treat her, and their mothers! Oh, and I wish I was your neighbor because molasses cookies are my favorite!!! Warm out of the oven????? Have a cozy evening. Rainy here.

    1. I really dislike when daughters are rude to their moms. I can imagine your daughter gets to see some real bad behavior once in a while.

  7. I once had a student that was sort of like that. So at one point I just walked away and let them sweat for awhile.

    Enjoy your molasses cookies, I made regular buns today and some zucchini muffins. Tomorrow I will do a coffee cake and perhaps an apple cake or apple muffins.

    God bless.

    1. Well it is one thing to come in and be a brat but to do it for an hour in front of your mom was about more than I could handle.

  8. I'm so sorry about your friend's husband.

    I observe people at times being beyond embarrassing. If that were my kid, she'd be apologizing to you, and then not going to prom at all, for being an a**hat. My kids are occasionally moody with me, but there is a line. You do not get to treat other people like that.

    My first zucchini has arrived. I swear it tripled in size over night!! I need to pick it, but I'm heading out on Friday. Maybe I'll just let it further expand & have M deal with it. ;-)

    1. My daughters had their moments, but not in front of other people.

  9. Sorry to hear about your loss. At least he will be at peace now but it is still so hard. Some people are just so entitled and their behavior is so rude. You had more patience than I would have had for her.

  10. Well I lost my patience with her, she really wasted my time.
