Friday, January 4, 2019

Friday, too many interruptions...

     The littles are here today and the baby is one and has learned to crawl up the stairs and then fall down them.  He started walking at nine months.  So my morning has been full of no nos. I am living for nap time.  Okay finally got him down.  I tried making a comment on another blog and it ended up a post which I deleted this is what happens when you have two kids under two in your presence.

     I am really struggling today with giving up diet coke.  I just do not want water.  I don't drink things with calories as I would rather have those in food, and the only other things out there are flavored waters which also have the artificial sweetener in them.I have drank several cups of Herb tea and I enjoy that.

     I was so wiped out last night from absolutely nothing that I fell asleep on the sofa with out doing my exercises. I also did not get the cleaning done under the sink.  I fed Hub's a container of homemade bean soup I had in the freezer in stead of spaghetti and meatballs.  But I pulled out a large bag of frozen tomatoes, that I did not can and I am going to make a big pot of sauce and send some home with the neighbors.  This will eliminate about 4 items in the upstairs freezer.  Once I get that eaten down I will bring things up from the freezer below.  There are enough bananas for a large recipe of banana bread, and I was able to make a large shrimp salad for a funeral today with everything from the pantry.  I saved some of the salad for hub's and I.

     I did get a baby quilt tied and pinned for self binding last night while we watched Katherine the Great on Netflix.  SO all I have to do is finish that and I will have one done and 5 to go.  I still need to make one more baby blanket and I have everything I need.

     Yesterday was police uniforms out my ears.  I got several emergency orders in as the new uniforms were held up by Christmas mail and our police force has to go to some training in Atlanta this next week.  So after I sewed all afternoon on only uniforms and I thought I was done for the day I had three more pants come in.  I have plenty to do in there and also need to have a Wedding dress ready for a fitting on late Monday afternoon. Plus I am now up to 7 zippers to replace. Blessed with work.

     When I was plating up the shrimp salad, I decided to redo a couple of cupboards and get rid of a few more things and put things I use or would like to use down in my lazy susan and the things that are in the lazy susan up in the taller cupboards that I have a hard time reaching. It just makes sense.  I have a beautiful set of glass covered baking dishes and I rarely use them.  They are so nice because when you are done the leftovers can go right in the fridge.  Funny how you can just push things aside and not use them when you really love them.  I can get rid of many other things and use these instead.

     I even have pots and pans I do not use clear in the back of my cupboard and those are going to bless others.

     So day 4 of my no diet coke and low carb is going but not without complaint. I do not want a glass of water I feel water logged, and I want a sweet roll.

     Gripe, complain, moan, feel free to skip this blog.

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.




  1. You want a sweet roll, I want cookies (plural). Guess we can both moan a little.
    Glad you are covered up with work and thanks for the 5 dollar bill inspiration. I am putting all of those in a new savings plan I am just calling TheFives. No idea what I am saving it for but it is a great plan. (Maybe I will save it for therapy sessions after dealing with Mom. Can you tell we just had an unpleasant day?)

  2. When I'm trying to cut junky drinks and don't want water I try to keep other cold drinks in the fridge. Either a big jug of herbal tea, which is great cold or lemonade made with freshly juiced lemon, a bit of stevia (zero calorie but not a chemical product) and water. Good luck kicking the diet Coke habit!

  3. Good job on going four days with no Diet Coke! You can do it! You can do it!

  4. I didn't realize you were going low carb AND getting rid of DC. Yikes! Hang in there it gets better.

    1. It is like my world has stopped and all I can think about is food and soda.

  5. I like to squeeze a lemon or lime wedge in my water. Gives it taste without calories.

    1. next time I go to the store I am going to get some lemons and limes.

  6. Keep going on losing the diet coke. You are w strong woman and I know you can do it!
