Friday, February 21, 2020

Friday, things are heating up around here.

     Since I have been tracking my business for about 5 years now thanks to Sissie, who insisted I do it and thanks goodness she did. I know that I will be very busy by the end of March.  The lull is about over.  It starts out slowly and then hits full force.

     Usually and yes it did happen at the beginning of this week, I had this panic feeling of not enough work coming into the shop.  Now just a few days later I can see this is never going to happen.

     I was able to really sit down and sew yesterday and it felt good to pump out work.  Many people in and many things out and that always makes one feel productive plus it was nice to have some pocket money for a change.  My money drawer has been really broke since Christmas.  Really it is because every penny that came in went out to help with the remodel costs.

     I do not like feeling broke.  It is scary for me.  Then when there is not much turn around in the shop it is double scary.  But I noticed just yesterday and today, that the phone has rang more.  Also several people dropped off things yesterday almost to the tune of my average daily intake during my busy season.  I have had several phone calls already this morning.  There are three things I am going to get done today for pick up and more coming in.  I also have a bride coming in at 4:30.  That will make three bride dresses in here.  It starts out so slow and then just explodes.

     Daughter #2 is so sick with her pregnancy and I am going to go up to Spokane tonight and stay until Monday morning.  Basically just help her deep clean her house.  She still has some Christmas up the poor thing.  I was terribly sick with my pregnancies so I know how she feels.  I want to go and help her.

     Hubs and I plan on going to see our eldest at the end of next week, so I have to be really organized in the shop and make sure that the things that need to be done are and picked up before we leave.  This leads me into thinking .....Will I ever get the master bedroom done?  I have told myself, not until after we get back from Daughter #1.  It will just have to wait.

     So today I must straighten a couple of bedrooms, do a little house work, get a dress ready for try on, alter a suit, finish a few items in the shop, work on a wedding dress, pack a bag and leave for Spokane.  You will not hear from me until next week. I am going to play with my Schmills, everyone should have a Schmills to play with... just sayin....

     You have any plans for the weekend?

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.



  1. I am working on Saturday and then (groan) working on getting our taxes ready to send to our CPA. Nice for you to help your daughter. I'm sure she will appreciate it!

    1. Tax time is always the worst, but I just got our whopping $52.00 refund back from the feds!

  2. I am glad the work is pouring in. I was so ill when pregnant, so I feel for her.

  3. I get to see and hear my baby sing tomorrow, so I am happy. She then is home next week for a full week.

    1. Enjoy! I remember going up to the U of I to Hear our eldest sing for 7 years all the way through Law School she was in a special Jazz Choir.
