Sunday, February 16, 2020

Sunday, Aunty and I

     We are having so much fun Aunty and I.  We started in on a third quilt top and it is just lovely.  I am making it for my Lil sis.  Hubs is starting to worry as he says we will have no place to put all the quilts when we are done.  Silly man.  I don't plan on keeping them. Aunty sells hers.  She lives on a reservation and most of her quilts are bright colors. This star quilt is prized by the Indian tribe she lives by.  They buy them to wrap the dead in.  I know that is kind of morbid.  But it is their culture. She just provides the service.  In fact she had a call yesterday from a woman who needed one for a funeral.

     I don't plan on using mine for that.  But I sure love designing  and putting the colors together. As the shop is heating up I wont have much time for this once she leaves.  I have two wedding dresses and three pageant dresses due out this week and several zippers.  So Monday I must sew for the shop.

     Today after church, I am going to make two large meat loaves and freeze one. Hubs has to play in the pit this afternoon. I will have a nice dinner later today and Aunty and I will finish another quilt top.  I want to get one more cut out so I can remember all the details.

Have a restful and peaceful Sabbath.



  1. It seems incongruous that a Native Americans would use quilts from oppressors as a custom for wrapping the dead. But, who can argue with a custom? Not me. I made the center part of the quilt you made, six of them to be exact. I made them as I grieved the loss of best friend from cancer after she died and left a 14 month child. I cried through the making of the pieces. But, the sewing calmed me down. About 30 years later, I sold them thirty years later since I could not bear to see them.

  2. I love that your aunt and you are having such a nice time.
    I love the story about funeral quilts. I had never heard that before. I take your Aunt is Indian?
    I sure look forward to seeing all that you are making.

    1. No she is not, but has been adopted by the tribe as she has done so much for them. She is of Jewish decent and it is obvious when you look at her. we both have very curly hair, blue eyes and the awful Jewish nose. We are also frugal. Imagine that?
