Monday, February 10, 2020

Monday, Staying positive

     I am trying hard to stay positive, with all that is going on here.   Hubs diagnosis was a shock although it should not have been. My biggest worry is that he will become even more dependent on me. He has a tendency to be a baby and I just don't need that.  41 years of doing everything, paying every bill, taking care of all the business of life while he rides along, has made me a little bitter.

    I guess I want to be taken care of.  I want someone to swoop in and take care of me.  I have never had that and this is one more thing that will allow Hubs to be less dependent.  I do not want him to have to deal with incontinence, as then I will have to deal with it.  I know that is selfish, but when is it my turn?  SO that is my rant.  Forgive me but that is truly how I feel.  Now you know.  I can go on.

     I am having a great time with my aunt and cousin.  Hoping to finish the quilt today. The handy man who was putting in our shower  decided it was too complicated so I had to call the company and ask them to send someone out and now I am wondering how much that is going to be?

     We are getting really low on funds to do any more fixing up.  I am worried. Can't say that I can try to calm myself down about it.  I guess I just have to earn more money.

     I am going in to finish this quilt!

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.



  1. Dear I can totally understand wanting to be taken care of. I was the care giver so long. Hubs DID do the bills and whatever he could, but the big stuff was me. It still is.
    I think it is natural to want to be pampered for a while in our lives. Big hugs!
    Kiddo is the funds for re-do run low - you will just sell it as it is. It truly will not make that big of difference in what you get - believe me.'
    Take care.

    1. Thanks Cheryl, I think about you and I feel ashamed to complain, but then I think why can't he do more?

  2. Your position on wanting to be taken care of is natural. Everyone likes to let down a bit and relax. And, facing incontinence is not just his problem. I would stop spending money and not worry about the remodeling for right now. We bought our home that needed things done inside and out. So sorry about all this.

    1. Well we really are on the home stretch except for painting the outside of the house.

  3. My son in-law had surgery for prostate cancer about 2 years ago. and he is about like he was before. He followed all the therapy to a T and it paid off. This may not change your life as much as you fear. I understand with all the chaos you have just now, it is just one more thing to worry about.

    1. I hope it doesn't I think I am just a bit overwhelmed right now.

  4. My dad, FIL, uncle and brother have all been treated for prostrate cancer. 3 were very successful with no more trouble. But my dad’s issues come and go, it’s too much to type out here. Odds are your husband will be fine after his treatments.

    I’m glad you’re enjoying your quilting ❤️

    1. Thanks Rhonda, I have heard nothing but positive stories so I am feeling better. Quilting is fun and I am enjoying it alot.

  5. I am so sorry to read of your husbands diagnosis Kim. This is just another worry for you & another thing for you to try & bear. I totally understand you wanting to be taken care of Kim - you already do far more than your share & it is totally understandable that you feel like this & your are 100% NOT selfish my friend xx

    1. I feel that way though, Like I should be so supportive, (and I will be ) but in my heart I am angry and sad.

  6. I was very sorry to read your previous post. You are allowed to feel however you'd like to feel. It sounds incredibly difficult. I'm so sorry for both you & your husband. Big hugs to you.

  7. Thanks, we will get through this, but you will read a lot of whining my friend....:)

  8. I've had several friends and family go through this. In fact brother in law is having surgery next week...he can't pee and has a catheter.He complained he would rather be wearing a pad or diaper.

    As for someone to take care of you... you need to ask him if he can help more and what he is willing or feeling able to do. IF you have always done it, he doesn't know you don't want to always do it. I tell my kids constantly start as you aim to go. I just commented to Hubby that it wouldn't kill him to unload the dishes if he is up before me. HE stood and stared and then realized he didn't do it because we have a dishwasher now instead of me washing by hand. I wouldn't let him wash by hand because he didn't wear glasses and the dishes were always still dirty.
