Friday, September 25, 2020

Friday, Actually making some headway, What a relief!

Finished another chart this morning and that always makes me feel better.  I also was able to deliver a skirt to the Native American Indian Gift Shop and have three more started.  Hopefully after this blog post I can finish the skirts and feel like I can get on with the awful Camo wedding.

I have many zippers in coats that have come in that have to be out for hunting season next week.  We all know how I love to replace sippers. (NOT)

Daughter brought the kids down last night for us to watch and it was so nice to snuggle Kelsa and play with Schmills.  He was asleep on the floor when daughter came to get him.  This was Nathan could get about 2.5 hours alone to get things done and the fact that Schmills was already asleep would have him get even more done.

I am hoping to go up there tomorrow to help get things done.  That is if I get all the bills done today.  I plan on conquering that after I sew these skirts up.

I have a small roast out I will put in a pot for dinner, with potatoes and carrots.  Then Hubs will have leftovers for tomorrow. I plan on taking a large plan of frozen stuffed shells up to Daughters tomorrow so we don't have to worry about cooking.  I will take a large salad and some bread.

Hubs got his flu shot yesterday(I am waiting to do mine) HE ran a fever last night and was so cold.  I felt like I was next to a furnace.  I wanted to move away but he was so chilled and I felt sorry for him so I stayed close and sweated while he shivered.  Finally I snuck out of bed an hour later than  usual and when he got up he was fine.  I am not looking forward to my reaction.

Well I am off to pay bills and sew wish me luck. 

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.



  1. Congratulations on filling out another chart, Kim.

    1. Thanks Belinda, boy do I need to do more,I have bills for the move coming in from everywhere.

  2. Way to go. Another chart! Are you taking pictures to show us the Indian things you make? Camo wedding? You can eat chocolate cake while you sew that!

  3. We had flu shots (the super-duper ones for old people) and had no reactions at all, so hopefully you'll miss that excitement.

    1. Me too, the first shingles shot about sent me over the edge.

  4. I do not understand the camo wedding. I didn't know guns and hunting was a personality trait. Good going on the chart.

  5. Please post pictures of the "awful camo wedding"!

  6. Yeah on filling in another chart.

    I really dislike replacing zippers as well.

    God bless.

  7. My youngest sons had a friend who had a camo wedding complete with moonshine in mason jars. The marriage didn't last but those who passed on the moonshine remembered it. I'd love to see photos!

  8. I used to work at work clothing cleaner/renting firm sewing alterations and patching things. I replaced hundreds, more like thousands of zippers ( one summer they had a new washing machine which broke all jacket zippers). I really know how to change zipper, I just don't like it :-)

  9. I ususally cut out the old zipper and put a new one underneath.

  10. Takes all kinds to make the world go round. I hate zippers, but I just put them in right under where the other one was.
