Thursday, September 3, 2020

Thursday, Will status quote ever return?

      Well I got back late last night with my daughters car and it is full of Schmill's things and baby stuff.  We will be taken over by baby.  Which is okay with me.  Let me tell you that little princess is a lot of work. She came home after 1.5 days in the hospital.  I could not believe they let them out that early.  The only instructions were to keep her warm and feed her every two hours.  Daughter was very sore but was able to get more rest at home.

     The first couple of nights were rough.  Baby was up constantly and daughter in pain.  I did not get much sleep but was able to nap during the day.  This allowed son-in-law to get some good rest and be ready for their move.  My daughter on the third night told me how grateful she was that I was there with her.  It was constant lift and bring her the baby.  That little squeaker poops more than any baby I have seen.  I loved every minute of it, although I was very tired.

     I just cleaned and cooked and packed, and packed and changed nappies.  Schmills did his best to keep my heart pumping. He loves to tease me. He gets that from his dad, who loved nothing better than to give me a bad time. 

     The kids are due here tomorrow to stay with us until their house closes.  It will be a tight squeeze but we will manage.  Hubs has to run back up to Spokane today to help son in law with the final loads. All three of them (not hubs, baby, daughter, son-in-law) have doctor appointments Friday morning. So after they get the all clear they are with us.

     Sissie came over while I was gone and did all my ironing.  Bless her little soul. I am going to empty out all the drawers in the spare room so daughters family has some storage.  Then we will put up a clothing rack in the garage.

     I need to really sew today and I have not even looked in the shop and tried to see what is what.  I just know there is a lot to do. On top of everything I want to see my Sissie and friends. I need to go grocery shopping.

     Lots to tell you and I left my phone cord at daughters so can't even give you more pictures of baby.

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.




  1. Glad you are back and all went well. It is amazing how something so tiny - can be so much work and can be so tiring to healthy adults!!!
    Hope you get a little rest.

    1. If you didn't love them so much and they weren't so cute....

  2. Daughter 4 came home within the same day as delivery. I flipped but that's all ins would pay for since she had no issues.

    1. Well I must say that after my 4th I could have gone home immediately. But they have changed those rules now I think.

  3. Oh, I'm glad you're back home now and how neat that she let you know she was grateful for you being there. Good job Mama! :)

    1. It is nice to be shown gratitude I would do anything for my kids even if they were not grateful, but still nice.

  4. I think with the addition of two babies, your status quo has changed forever. Babies are given to young women for a reason!

    1. That is for sure. I was thinking that at 3 in the morning while holding her.

  5. What a joyful time. Poor om though-being in pain is not part of the joy.

    1. I had my appendix removed when I was little so I know all about cutting those muscles and it is no joke.

  6. You have the most interesting, continually fluid life! Enjoy the baby and Schmills! OH yes and their parents too!

    1. I know, and I often ask why me? And then I remember that I am blessed, I think.....
