Sunday, February 21, 2021

Monday, Make better now!

      Here it is another Monday. Another week for us to get things done. They sure do come around fast.  Probably not fast enough for many people, but fast for me.  Seven more days of the pantry challenge and I should get through okay except for some fresh veggies.  We do have enough lettuce for salads until Wednesday. 

My goal this week is to get at least three wedding dresses done.  I have 8 in the shop right now.  What I really want is stacks of pants to hem and simple alterations, that bring in fast small amounts of money.  Wedding dresses are time consuming but bring in larger amounts. Then I had an epiphany.  Why do you worry so about what kind of work comes in, when both provide?  

It is so easy to sit and stew and stress when we think that things are not perfect.  What do you or we have that we can do right now to help our situation?  Sure it is always easier to think of how things could be better, but it gets nothing done.  Make better now!

How can I make better now? I can do the work the lord has provided, instead of wishing for something easier.  I can cook good nutritious meals with what I have on hand.  I can clean my house and make it beautiful with what I already have, instead of dreaming of other things. I can eat less crap..... I can exercise and make myself feel better. I can stop by and check on a woman who was recently widowed. I can feed the birds, they are so funny out my window.

Things to do today:

1.fill my savings envelopes

2. go get prescriptions refilled.

3. work in my shop

4. put Valentine Tote away in garage

5. get some exercise

6.find something for dinner in my stash of food

7. I can go see Lil sis as she leaves Tues. for ten days and see if there is anything I can do to help her.

What are you going to do today to Make better Now?

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.



  1. LOVE IT! You go girl. We make the best of what we are given and that is good and enough. The Lord will provide.

  2. I’m grateful for all I have and try not to compare myself and my life to others. I have known that I am very blessed....... so lucky compared to others. I have special people in my life and really try and share what I can to help others.

  3. This is a great blog post, Kim. Yes, what can we do to make things better now. I love it.

    1. Well sitting around being tired of Covid is getting nothing done.

  4. Great reminder! Have a wonderful week.

  5. Thank you for posting this today, exactly the right thing to think about, do what we can versus thinking how things could be different. Have a good week and thank you again for these focusing thoughts!

    1. You are welcome, this idea certainly changed my day.

  6. I needed this today. Yes, absolutely. Figure out what you can control/influence today & make it happen.

    1. I know, I don't know about you but I think covid has many of us just in a holding pattern.

  7. Good thoughts Kim-we all have opportunities to make the best of what we have, and minimize the hardships. Somedays are easier than others, but worry doesn't solve a darn thing. today, I'll look at where I can make my colleagues lives a bit better, have a nice meal ready for DH when he come sin, shovel the end of the driveway as the plow comes through and leaves a bit of a pile, bring an extra two bags on my walk-one to use as a glove, and one to put any trash I see (there is a soda cup off the path that has been there for a week as one piece of junk.) Nothing is big, but all do a little part of making life a touch better for me, and hopefully others.

    1. It is so easy to let the times we live in dictate our mood. I need to find ways to stop it!

  8. On my way out the door to work, i checked the fridge to see what we had for dinner. There are enough leftovers for three dinners for husband and salads or other things for me. I walked to work for extra exercise and came up with a plan to get the new-to-us chihuahua more time outside on a regular basis. She is so afraid of every little noise. Life is good!

  9. Make things better needs to be my mantra cause goodness knows there are a million things I can do to improve this moving mess!
    The pantry challenge is working well and I might need to extend it through March to use up more of my freezer stash.(though I am not sure I can keep THeHub's recreational shopping at bay for more than a month)

    1. Oh you have one of those also? I can usually keep him happy but when he goes on a bender look out!
