Monday, January 17, 2022

Monday, Making Budget, barely

 Oh, the well laid plans.  Rhitter and I are both watching our perfectly composed yearly budgets, go down the drain.  It is always something.

But both of us are so much better off than we were years ago.  So, I am not going to let my budget buster derail me completely.  It may slow me down a bit, but it will not take away my perseverance.

Hubs has to have new hearing aids. He only has one left earpiece that is now working.  I want him to get the new hearing aids that hook to his cell phone by blue tooth, so he can turn them up and down according to where he is and what he is doing.  He has been dragging his feet as he knows that I will be the one to bear the cost of these, as I will have to work harder, and they will have to come out of the shop monies.

I also know that not hearing well leads to further problems with dementia.  I will not allow him to go without hearing, that is just cruel, and makes my life much harder.  He had an appointment this morning with the hearing aid doctor but had to cancel due to his now being sick with the same crud I had/have. We rescheduled for next week.  We have cussed and discussed this at length, and it is just one of those things that has to be done.  I have not figured out how I will do this, but I do know that the place that has always done his hearing aids will take payments with no interest and that is a blessing. I will just have to figure it out.  The shop will get busier, and I will have to strain the budget more.

I was able to sell 2 different things on facebook market place this weekend, bringing in 65.00 allowing me to just make my weekly savings goals by the skin of my teeth.  Well, I should not say that as I have enough to do my two-envelope challenge and I also have $50.00 from my save the $5 bill challenge.  It was a good week for 5's. SO I can add another $150.00 this week to our mortgage.  The $36 dollar challenge can wait until later in the week when I have more money.

Just because I have had a budget buster, does not mean I will dissolve my savings plans.  I have a bride coming in for a fitting at 2 today and I am sure she will pick up tomorrow, so I will be fine.  It is getting close to the time of the month where I need to have that $300.00 in the tax account, and I hope I am able to squeeze that out somehow.

This is all about balance, and right now mine is off, how do I get it back on?  Well one thing I know is to not panic.  That is the nice thing about my life right now, as there is no panic.  I lived through years of financial panic, and it is so nice to be at a stage that I can say this is a crappy, inconvenience, but not an all-out disaster.

I have my beans soaking for White chicken Chili, go me.  I did nothing this weekend but lay around and I mean lay.  I think I spent most of my time in bed, but I am feeling so much better today.

I have the Valentine things out and I just need to get everything situated. I have had two offers come in on my beaded ropes and both wanted them for pennies, and I said no.  I know they were resellars who wanted all of them to turn a profit, but I am selling them so they can turn a profit, right now they are just being greedy.  Someone will cave the closer it gets to the Holiday.

Where do you cut back when you get a budget buster?  Do you reduce payments, or savings?  Do you slash the grocery bill?  How do you do it?

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are in the negative.



  1. Kim, On the hearing aids my husband just got new ones with blue tooth oticon brand high cost of $6000. But as you said they need them he was in an accident his old one one was lost the other broken. They seem to be working well had them since July 2021.

    1. I don't believe ours will as much as they are using the guts of an old set of his for the new set. We will see. Yikes!

    2. I hope they are able to fix them. Joyce

  2. It is something important and you will get it done. Heaven forbid, you just cut a few of those envelopes for a few weeks - then get back on track. It isn't a calamity to miss for a few weeks - the earth won't stop. You got this!!!!

    1. Yeah CHeryl, I know that. I have lots of options and it is nice to have options.

  3. I agree, just stop filling envelopes for a few weeks. I cannot imagine how you could cut groceries.

    Tommy's cousin had hearing aids somehow connected to his phone. He was listening to music on his phone that somehow connected to his hearing aids. Can you believe he handed his phone to me to fix it while he followed us in his car? I did fix it by turning the volume off. I thought it was cool, something to keep in mind if I ever need hearing aids.

    Lying around all weekend was important to sewing. Now, you can.

  4. I know you want to keep filling those envelopes, but as others have said try not filling them. A couple of weeks not filling them could get you balanced once again.

    God bless.

    1. I know, but I would like to see if I can power through.

  5. I need to catch up on your blog. I've been a (cough) tad MIA on so many. I'm especially interested in your savings challenges. I'm also saving my $5 dollar bills, plus "E" and "L" dollars. We are dealing with a nasty SIL in the settling of my MIL's estate. Lawyers aren't cheap. It has caused us to spend as little as possible, and not pay as much towards our car and mortgage. This too shall pass. Hearing aids for your dh are a need.

    1. Be careful sometimes lawyers will drag it on for money, I can say this as I have a daughter who is a lawyer, and she hates her own profession.

  6. My mother-in-law had so much trouble with several trials of hearing aids from very reputable (and very expensive hearing aid places in our town). She now travels an hour to our nearby Costco where they have provided amazing service and all of the newest types of hearing aids. They actually found the right type that works for her! I would definitely check them out even for 2nd estimate/opinion even if you’re somewhat loyal to someone….. I took my MIL there was a fix of something and they offer free hearing tests/consults and I don’t believe you have to be a member. Wonderful service and so busy with people just commenting how pleased they were.

    1. Costco is where my mom went also. Thanks for the input.

  7. Glad to read you are feeling better. We always seem to run into budget busters, too. We just do what we can and keep it moving. It's always something! But, I do try to tuck away money for these emergencies. I know you will get right back on track. I'm always in awe of your savings abilities.

    1. Well, I can stop saving, but I don't want to, if worse comes to worse I will, but danngit!

  8. First of all, thanks for the shout out. Still waiting to see how much the repair bill will be. Sigh...for me, it is back to paying minimums, no spending unless it is food or gasoline. As for food, just what I need until I recover.

    1. Well we are in this leaking rowboat together and we can keep bailing....

  9. I’m glad you’re feeling better, Kim. And you’re right not to panic as it will all work out in the end. :)

  10. The bluetooth hearing aids are AMAZING! And the higher quality aid gives much better hearing quality as well. Hubster has his first pair of hearing aids and I told him not to cheap out. He loves them! I have a friend who finally got some last spring. Her 4th pair of hearing aids. She regrets not paying for them sooner.

    1. I am rather excited about them. I am so tired of his fussing with those hearing aids.

  11. I really admire your debt busting determination, no matter what. You are inspiring.

  12. As you said there is no need to panic. This will pass. If you don't want to touch your savings and you can make interest free payments that is the way to go.

  13. My dad gets his hearing aids at Costco, and they have a great warranty & the price is significantly lower than anywhere else. You may want to price out the savings from buying it there.

    1. You know I am very familiar with Costco, but I do trust the people we are with and I like the option of no interest.
