Monday, January 24, 2022

Monday, Meeting my goals, Hearing aids

 Well we broke bad today and went and had Hubs fitted for new hearing aids.  I am so glad we did this.  You could tell he was excited and hearing so much better than with his old ones.  These also attache to his phone via bluetooth and he can adjust them for the TV and church which will be so nice.

We were given $500.00 off, as we just had a large repair done on an old set and I was upset as I would have rather put the money towards a new set and I told the doctor that.  So he honored us with that repair, which I thought was great.  I put money down out of Hub's savings which I will pay back and then we will pay monthly at no interest until they are paid for.

This means I will have to tighten the old budget more and work a little harder if I want to keep up with my savings goals, but so far it looks doable.  It will just take longer to meet some goals, like replenishing the emergency fund.

I was able to take $150 down to the bank this morning to add to our mortgage account.  $100.00 from my 100 envelope challenge and $50.00 in 5's I saved this week.  Also had $157.00 come into checking from Adsense and I was able to add another $150.00 to put into savings for our taxes.  I need to put $300.00 in every month for this. Now I just have to get through the rest of the week and then the month. So far all challenges met. 

Yesterday, right before church was going to start at noon, we received a phone call  from a friend who was in tears and she needed Hubs to come over and give her husband a blessing.  We believe in the anointing of the sick.  Todd (the husband) had a stroke about 5 years ago that left him completely bedridden.  His wife is a Registered nurse and she had to quit work to care for him.  He has had many seizures and strokes since the first stroke and life has been very hard for both of them. He was close to death when we arrived and Hubs gave him a blessing of release, which is very hard to do.  No one wants to do this kind of a blessing.  Hubs also blessed his own father about 40 minutes before he passed. It is much like last rights that are done by the Catholic priests.  Todd passed a few hours later.  It is a blessing but very sad, when someone is young and was so full of life to be taken out this way.

We went over after the hearing aid appointment to check on the widow.  She had not slept for over 36 hours when we saw her last and she looked much better today. I will go over tomorrow and help her with housework, as she is way behind.  I remember the girls coming in after  my mom died to piles of washing, and dust bunnies.  But you put your priorities where they need to be in these cases.

I did develop a nasty head cold on Saturday and sniffed a good part of the weekend with lots of sneezing.  But I am doing a lot better today.  Now hubs is getting the chest cold I had last week.  We just share well I guess.

Pulled chicken out of the freezer and have no idea what I am going to do with it. Better out on my thinking cap.

Any plans for the week?  Anything special you want to get done?  I know I want to get some deep cleaning done in my house.  Also sewing is readily available.

Have a great and productive day staying positive while you are int the negative.



  1. I'm sorry to hear about your friend's passing. I understand all about the anointing and am glad your Hubs was able to do that. So kind of you to go help out the widow.

    Well done adding to the mortgage. Every $ counts. Glad you are able to get a discount and interest free payments on the hearing aids. Hope you feel better soon.

    1. Thank you so much, He was only 66 years old that is the tragedy of the whole thing. I thought he was Hubs age 71. So young.

  2. It's great he is getting the help he needs hearing. It is only money at this point. He needs to hear. Good for you.

    How old was the man who died. That is sad to die that way.

    I am still in the throes of decluttering and organizing junk, mostly paper, in this living room. I hauled off mixed boxes to the hall, and now am hauling back to my chair where it is easier to sort with the recliner. Having the gallon of soup is helping me direct my attention to junk. Plus, my back not hurting so makes it easier to cook and wash dishes.

    1. I am so happy you are feeling better. Our friend was only 66 years old.

  3. I'm sorry about your friend. It's good you both are a comfort. Regardless of people's religions or beliefs, having someone to walk with you during illness, death, and grief is so needed.

    1. I know and it was so hard. I really dislike having to go through this with someone, but who else? It is just depressing. Then again I am glad to help.

  4. I am so sorry to hear about your friend, but how special to be anointed prior to his passing.

    I'm in the process of cleaning up my budget to replenish my savings.

    1. Me too my friend. Will we ever see the end? Yes! we will, dang it.

  5. I'm sorry to hear about your friend, but it's really lovely your husband was able to help as a source of comfort at the end, and that you are planning to help the widow.

    My dad wears hearing aids, and having them properly working is so important. He feels left out & really withdraws if he can't hear, and it's sad. Glad you were able to get them taken care of!

    1. That is the main reason I made Hubs get aids in the first place. HE was coming home from work and just sitting on the sofa all to himself. We still had a child at home and I knew this was bad.

  6. I'm sorry to hear about your friend's death but glad your husband was able to help him in this way. It is part of my calling to pray with the dying so I know it is a very costly ministry emotionally but it is such a privilege and such a comfort to the family as well as to the dying person. Take care.

    1. It is emotionally draining, and I still feel it. When the Savior felt the woman in the crowd touch him and he stopped and asked who touched him, as issue had gone out of him. It is that feeling, almost a drainiing of sorts.

  7. thats good that you've got the hearing aids sorted & well done with meeting all your money challenges!!
    So kind of you & hubby to support Todd & his wife, its times like that when we find out our true friends.

  8. Sorry for the loss of your friend. Hope his wife does OK. Nice of you both to help

  9. I am glad that your Hubby has gotten new hearing aids. Not being able to hear properly would be a terrible trial.

    Sorry for the loss of your friend.

    We no longer call the anointing in the Catholic Church the "Last Rites". It is now called "Anointing of the Sick" mainly because anyone who is ill in any way shape or form can ask for it. Many Catholics now get the anointing in Mass. One of the priests I am friends with said the old title would scare older parishioners almost to death.

    God bless.

    1. It is a scary way of saying it. Last rites, is not something you want to say to anyone.

  10. So sorry for the loss of your friend. I'm glad you and your hubby were able to offer some comfort. Hope you're feeling better soon.

  11. Sorry for the loss of your friend. Grateful he was blessed. I've had to do that myself. Hard. Just an FYI loss of hearing has now been connected to Dementia. It's the only reason Hubby immediately got his hearing aids without a battle over the money.
