Wednesday, August 21, 2024


 Wow, I worked hard yesterday and was able to get my sauce done and it took the majority of the day.  I made eight quarts of Beef Sauce and 16 pints of beef and sausage.  A quart will feed Daniel and I for two meals and the pint for one.  So, all in all I made 56 servings and have done a cost analysis.  Now the tomatoes and basil and onion were free.  I bought burger, sausage, mushrooms and red, yellow and orange peppers.  Guessing on the olive oil, butter, and other spices I think I spent about $65.00.  Now that is great for a homemade sauce! ($1.10 per serving, and 28 meals) This sauce freezes beautifully. I have four pints in Kim's freezer!

I destroyed my kitchen and there was sauce everywhere as I am a very messy cook.  My new kitchen is white, with black and white linoleum, very retro looking, and what a mess.  I finally got it cleaned up about four in the afternoon.  Had a bowl of cereal for dinner as Dan was staying up at Kim's to finish a project.  I did the Kitchen floor and the rugs this morning.  I also did three items of mending for myself which I have wanted to do since I got here!

I am really tired, and it is already 3:40 in the afternoon.  I have been to Costco and have done many errands and am back up at Kim's helping my Husband finish up some things.

The bedroom and bath are done, and the carpet has been shampooed and came out beautifully.

Kim's middle Daughter and Son-in law are coming over Friday to help us set up the bedroom and take a load to the dump. 

I still have things to do here but I have the time.  Right now, I just want to veg out.  My feet have a heartbeat of their own which means I have overdone it.

I still have to make fried rice and egg foo young and will do that tomorrow. just too damn sore to process now.  I did get the bacon fried up and everything is ready to go so now it is just getting it done, and it will get done, but not today.

I also want to make at least eight pie crusts and four balls of pizza dough to freeze and hope to get that done this week.

Talked with Kim briefly and She is relaxing and having a good time and my Niece loved all the Artwork I sent and plans to hang it all and that makes Dan and I so happy!

Now I am going to have a glass of wine and put my feet up!

Have a wonderful evening!



  1. Those pints and quarts will be welcome when you need them. Rest a bit.

  2. The energizer bunny has nothing on you ;). Best phrase of the year “your feet had a heartbeat of their own”. That is so true! When that happens to me, I know it has been too long a day ;). Hilogene in Az.

  3. That is some amazing progress! Awesome work. I definitely know when I've overdone it, because everything aches & you want to just crash out with a glass of wine & chill. Hope you have a more relaxing day today! (Hawaii Planner)

  4. I think I will stick to my day job…. lol! I use Ragu for sauce….. I know my limits! Cindy in the South

  5. Now that is a lot of sauce. Good for you.

    God bless.
