Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Wednesday and things are getting caught up!

 Sissy here...

Kim went to the bank before the shop opens and I have been sweeping and cleaning up our sewing messes.  Sewing is messy and the whole house needs a good vacuum as we drag thread all over.

My Husband is out cleaning the garage again as it gets so dusty and dirty as the wind blows a lot here.

Customers enter through the garage, so the door is kept open during the day.

I think Kim and I are starting to develop a system and that is wonderful.  I see things coming together and Sluggy will tell you I like to run a tight ship!

I do not work well in clutter, nor leave things to the last minute.  I am a planner and a plodder, but things get done.  Kim is just the opposite but still manages to get things done.  So, we make each other crazy but do so with love. ( I think?)

Kim is feeling better today, I can tell and we are taking it easy.

On the home front, I broke a shelf in the freezer of the new house, and it cannot be fixed.  The refrigerator is only two years old, but it is a piece of garbage, and we knew that when we bought the house.  The brand is a Beko (???) it has terrible reviews, and the shelves break all the time.  I cannot fit a gallon of milk on the door or any shelf.  The space is small, but I have found several brands I like online so later today it is appliance shopping.  I will not live in fear of a damn fridge.  I cook too much and need something reliable.

Kim now has two new Irons for the shop. The heir and the spare.  That was my project last week.  This week I have purchased new sharp, larger needles that have larger eyes for hand work as I have terrible up-close vision, and it takes me five minutes to thread a needle.  I also ordered new Clics in a 3.0 and a 3.5 for close up hand work.  I will have to wait a week to ten days for them to come in and in the meantime, I am wearing a pair of Joels that are too big, but they work in a pinch!

I need to call Sluggy today and see how she is doing, as She has not been blogging and may not have taken her laptop to Virginia.  Now the vacuum cleaner is calling my name, and this is going to be a chore and there is a ton, and I mean a ton of ironing to do.  So back to work for me!

Sissy four days later... yes life has been hectic...Kim feeling so much better.  I have a new refrigerator ( a Whirlpool) and a new small chest freezer in the basement.  I can finally buy groceries, and they will fit!

Trying to get Kim ready to leave town on Thursday of this week and Dan and I have her house torn up as Dan is painting Her Master Bedroom and Master Bath while she is gone.  She is ensconced in the Guest Room.  Our House can wait as this needs to be done.

I did manage to get a hold of Sluggy and She is on the mend, but it will take time.  She sounded good though and there was a lilt in Her voice I have not heard in quite some time.

Taking Kim to have the oil changed in Her Car at noon and I will run a couple of errands and then back to Kim's to sew seven pair of pants and get the shop organized again for what really needs to be done before she leaves and what she will start when she comes back.  I plan on deep cleaning the her House as much as possible while she is gone.  We will also put Her bedroom and bathroom back together as much as possible.

Kim here, as you can see, I have my slaves busy doing my dirty work. It is wonderful.  I am feeling much better, just have to be careful.

Yesterday was mostly hand work trying to get these wedding dresses out and at 4:30 I told myself to stop.  I had done enough. It is so easy for me to overdue.  We are not sure what caused the terrible pain, but we have theories, one being the use of my neck during hand work. SO, I am keeping track of the hours.

Leaving Thursday for Jessies. Will be there 10 days. Just getting a change of scenery.  Although getting out of town is hard.  SO many dresses!!!! When I get back, I will have 8 dresses to get out for September.  Some of them are started or almost finished, but I will be busy.

I have three mother of the bride/bridesmaid dresses to do and a couple other things to knock out and then I can concentrate on packing and bills and all that it takes to get out of town. 

Okay off to set the world on fire!  Not really it is already too smoky here.



  1. No grass growing under anyone's feet at that house. Busy, busy. Glad you are doing so much better Kim.

  2. So glad you are feeling better, Kim! And, I wish your family wasn't so lazy. They seem like they are always just napping, resting & chilling. Don't you wish you had some help? :-)

    In all seriousness, you are so lucky to have each other! (Hawaii Planner)

  3. So glad Sissy has a new fridge and Kim is feeling better! Appliances are terrible these days. I gave up on washers and dryers and just go to laundromat and hang what I can outside to dry. Of course it is hot here and I can do that. I hope Sissy has better luck with her fridge than I have with washers and dryers!!! Cindy in the South

  4. Glad that Sissy has a new fridge, and that you are feeling better Kim. I am sure that Sissy and her Hubby are a very big help.

    God bless.

  5. What kind of iron did you get? I have had good luck with appliances. However, the first washer, dryer, and refrigerator bought in 1966, 67, and 68 lasted 30 years--all from Sears. I buy GE or Whirlpool now and have not had such good luck.
    It sounds like things are under control at your places.

  6. Glad you are feeling better Kim! No idle hands at your houe!!

  7. Wow, you all lead a busy life. New refrigerators are horrifying. I bought an expensive high end GE last summer and it was so cheaply made, I hated it. So after a year, I gave it to my church and bought a much less high end whirlpool (which I love). I decided at age 68, I didn’t have to live with a fridge that made me grind my teeth every time I put a half gallon of milk on a shelf and saw the shelf sag like crazy….thank you Sissie for keeping us updated!

    Glad Kim is feeling better! I laughed at Hawaii planners comments about how lazy everyone is there;). Hilogene in Az.
