Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Sissie here and it is sauce cooking day!


It is Tuesday and I started my sauce this morning, but left it turned off to bring my Husband up to the House.  Today He should finish the final coat on Kim's accent wall and then we can shampoo the carpet and start putting Her bedroom back together. 

Yesterday I worked all day in my Office and got so much done and Dan took a break from His paint brush and worked in our yard.  I made spaghetti for dinner to use up the last of the sauce I made several months ago.

I also went yesterday to our favorite Carpet Store where the owner had large area rugs that Sis and I were admiring when I picked out my Carpet.  Kim's family Room rug was tried and so I went to see if they still had the rug she admired, and they did!  I offered $200.00 cash, and it was gladly accepted (saved $100.00) brought it up to the House and laid it and it looks wonderful!  Kim will be so excited.

Now to finish this room I just need to do the shelf, but probably not today as I need to get home and finish my sauce.

I still have to do the guest bedroom as is dust and vacuum, and I want to clean out the fridge.  Also, a couple of sewing projects for myself that I can tackle.  I miss my Sissy, but She needed a break from the shop and possibly from me?

Now I will get back in the Car and go Home to cook and create havoc in my own kitchen which I am trying to get used to!

Have a great and productive day!



  1. Just wanted to say, I think you are awesome!!! You are such a good sister and person.

    I would love to have some of your energy and determination.

    Is going to be so happy!!!


  2. +1 to Janie’s comment! Hilogene in Az

  3. Turn your phone on. I called and left a message on Saturday.

  4. I hope Sissy is enjoying her new to her house!!!! The spaghetti sauce sounds wonderful! Cindy in the South

  5. I am quite sure she is not getting away from you. I would never need to escape your work ethic. I envy your energy. What do you put in your sauce?

  6. Such a lovely sister. Kim will certainly be surprised and elated to see the rug and all the cleaning/fixing that you and your husband are doing.

    God bless.

  7. You are amazing! Kim will be so delighted when she gets home. I wish I had a sister like you ... any sister would do actually! I have been having trouble leaving a comment but hopefully the problem has gone away now & I can comment again.

  8. You are so helpful & thoughtful! My sister & I have the same thing going, and I'm headed to her house tomorrow to do some chores for her, and help her host an event. I'm excited to give her a hand, because she works too much! (Hawaii Planner)
