Thursday, August 1, 2024

Thursday, My life for a decent iron!

 So read and follow, need some more weirder in my life. Because Sluggy is not weird, nor is Anne.... well maybe a rethink?

Still in pain , still taking drugs like candy, like candy better.  I have one set of dress blues to get done today and then I am done until next Monday. 

Sissie is still in search of a decent iron.  She just ran to the quilt shop. I hope she finds one. An iron is the most important tool other than your sewing machine and they just do not make an iron that holds up. Many people just don't iron any more.  And people think I am weird?

I cannot believe it is the first of August. Where has my summer gone? I wish I could get out more, like in the sunshine.  I am going to concentrate on that some.

Well, this uniform is staring at me in a mean way do I had better get it done and over with.



  1. Are you looking for a specific iron or what are the specs you require? I hate steam irons. So, finding a good iron that did not have steam was very difficult. It was expensive, but worth it.
    Stare that uniform down and send it on its way.
    I am glad you are feeling better.

  2. I have a Rowenta iron that is hands down better than any I have had lately. It sits mostly fallow because I only iron on demand and so few of my clothes are that demanding.
    I am not weird though___just delightfully odd!

    1. Dear Miss Delightfully Odd. I love Rowenta's but get one to last more than a year?

    2. Amazingly if you do not use them often they last forever

  3. I went through 2 Rowenta so fast it was pathetic. Buy a cheap iron and plan to replace every 2-3 years.

  4. I so hope you find an iron that suits. Also you need to get out in the sun a bit.

    God bless.

    1. I know I need to get outside more i8nsetead of laying on the couch in pain. I could be outside in pain.

  5. I still have the General Electric iron we received as a wedding present (along with the ironing board) 40 years ago. It is on its third cord but going strong.I couldn’t even imagine how much it has ironed over the years. My husband was military for 31 years so it was used pretty constantly. I love linen so the iron still gets quite a workout.

    1. I found a general electric iron years ago in mint condition.
      I use it all the time.
      It's amazing! This iron must be 45 years old.
      I have a rowenta iron too.
      It's decent but nothing holds a candle to this old GE.

    2. Amazing. Things were meant to last back then.

  6. I received a GE iron when I married in 1966. I also received a steam iron. the woman who gave me the GE told me how that was better than a steam iron. I used it and agreed with her. My daughter and her friend were horsing around and knocked it off the ironing board. I use the steam iron and hated it! Now, I have another iron with no steam, finally.

    1. I think the majority of irons cannot take a direct hit with the floor!
